Phil Spector's Going To Prison

His toupee was confiscated when he was taken to jail
I was a big Phil Spector fan when I was growing up. I think "You've Lost That Lovin' Feelin'" by the Righteous Brothers was the most played song of all times. But in later, post-Wall of Sound, years I can't say I was that into him. I remember too many events where I just didn't want to be anywhere near him. He always seemed like a complete asshole-- drunk, obnoxious and with a gun. Everyone always felt he earned the right to be a jerk. That tolerance led directly to the death of Lana Clarkson.
Spector was found guilty of second degree murder. Why only second degree? I'd rather see Bush and Cheney and Alberto Gonzales in jail. Or bribe-taker Arlen Specter. But Phil Spector has been coddled enough. Illumen sent me this:
From the Phil Spector murder retrial, a quote from a witness for the prosecution, one of 5 women to testify to having a loaded .38 Colt, 6 chamber revolver pointed at them when they tried to leave his mansion. With 5 bullets left, and no trace of Spector’s DNA or any fingerprints found on the gun, Lana Clarkson would have been the 6th:
Kathy Sullivan said he liked to dress like Elmer Fudd and carry a shotgun around."
The L.A. Times points out that he'll be spending at least 18 years in prison. He's 69.
UPDATE: Spector's Not The Only One Contemplating A Long Prison Term-- Meet More Madoffs
Spector, at least, made a contribution to humanity. The Madoff family members have all been bloodsucking parasites and there are few people who wouldn't relish seeing the whole lot of them rot in jail-- if not hell. And they know it; some Madoff family members who conspired to steal billions with the clan's patriarch are taking lessons about how to behave in jail. A couple of them have "contacted a consultant [Wall Street Prison Consultants] who teaches white-collar criminals how to survive in federal prison and secure early release," according to today's NY Post.
Labels: Phil Spector
my very favorite female voice in rock Darlene Love. He ripped her off
among others.
He seems pretty crazy.
and guilty
How typical - lefties, ahh... er... "progressives" adore their celebrity heroes until the other shoe drops on their excessive lie-styles.
Oh? Is the lunatic fringe sticking by Duke Cunningham and Bob Ney and George Bush? And I don't ever see you rightists standing up for Hitler or Mussolini or Franco anymore. It's great though that you all clung to Limbaugh even after it came out that he was a hillbilly heroin addict.
Madoff's bloodsucking criminality runs in the family. His mother was stripped of her trading licence in the 60's...
The made-offs(with other peoples money)....To me they are the lowest form of scum! BUT....and I know people will accuse me of being anti semetic....seriously though,it was almost exclusively wealthy Jews who lost the most. Why? Sure there were others. Didn't anyone (of the investors) stop to think that the ROI seemed too good to be true! Over the years and up until now, there were some real rough times in the market. Not for Bernie though! LOL...Giving the investors the benefit of the doubt as being more intelligent than the average "Joe" all boils down to one thing: GREED!!! Need more be said....I don't think so!
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