In A Fit Of Pique Judd Gregg Stomps Off The Political Landscape

Goaded on by the worst partisan extremists in the GOP-- who hoped to grab power by manipulating the census data, a function that they thought the Secretary of Commerce was entitled to-- New Hampshire Senator Judd Gregg abruptly, and without informing President Obama, withdrew his name from consideration for the position of Secretary of Commerce. The first person to suggest Judd Gregg to Obama for the Commerce job had been... Judd Gregg-- although he didn't realize at the time that his timing was terrible and that his political party was about to declare all out war against the president.
He also declared that he wouldn't run for re-election in 2010. He cited “irresolvable conflicts” about the jobs bill and the Census for bowing out of the first and was mysterious about why he's bowing out of the second, although maybe it's because his standing back home has taken a big nose-dive of late. In any case, the Obstructionist Caucus was dancing on the Capitol Steps. Tobacco lobbyist/House Minority leader John Boehner, when asked for a comment by the Hill, "responded simply: 'Wonderful.'" Miss McConnell, light in the loafers on any day, was flying around the Capitol Dome today. “Sen. Gregg made a principled decision to return and we’re glad to have him. He is among the smartest, most effective legislators to serve in the Senate-- Democrat or Republican-- and a key advisor to me and to the Republican Conference. It’s great to have him back.”
Many people-- the always perceptive Emptywheel among them-- wonder if the real reason he backed out is because he's not interested in anyone questioning all the favors he did for jailed Republican lobbyist Jack Abramoff and the quid pro quos that flowed into his office, something that would have made him unconfirmable. Last week we mentioned that Gregg was another in an embarrassing series of Rahm Emanuel vetting screw-ups since Gregg's legislative director, Kevin Koonce, was taking bribes, "over" $10,000 worth, from Abramoff in return for earmarks that only senators-- not legislative directors-- can provide.
Let's hope President Obama finds someone who supports his agenda to fill the job and not just another hack Republican. Hopefully Rep. Paul Hodes will be replacing Gregg in the Senate next year. (Corporate Democrat Katrina Swett, loaded with cash left over from an aborted Senate run, is going to try for Hodes' seat; hopefully a progressive or populist will also jump into the primary and keep this self-entitled Liebermanesque legacy shill out of Congress.)
Labels: Commerce Dept., Judd Gregg, New Hampshire, Senate 2010
Its now time to forget the cum-by-yah, we can all get together dream. The Rush Limpbaugh led GOP has no interest in seeing this administration move forward to fix the mess the Bush/Cheney administration has left us.
It is time to realize this and move forward with centrist Democrats to fill these last cabinet posts and start to move our Country forward.
I agree that it is time for Obama to move on and give up on any hope he can bring the GOP around to work with him in a bipartisan way. He gave it his best shot, in the hope that the centrist voices in the GOP would pull the parter back from fascist cliff it's been teetering on for 15 years. It appears that this isn't going to happen and that they are going to continue to foment hatred, intolerance and political divisiveness. So be it; it will only hasten their ultimate demise in American politics..
President Obama showed his mettle during the primary and general election. He's tough as nails and can take anything thrown at him and turn it into a strength. Now is the time for him to roll up his sleeve and expose the GOP for the frauds they are. He has the people behind him. He offered the olive branch and they spit on it. He and the Democrats need to exclude any Republican who doesn't caucus with them from the political process. This is what the GOP did to the Democrats in 1994 and they had 12 years (six of them with Geo. W. Dumbass as president) to make a complete mess of America. Perhaps with them out of the process altogether, we can get the country back on track much faster. As an independent, who has voted for several Republicans, I can honestly say that I am appalled and disgusted at what has become of the GOP, when the neo-cons infiltrated the party. I will not support them again until they rid themselves of that political pestilence.
Judd Gregg is nothing but a crooked Republican. He realized that he could not be confirmed for taking pay-offs and bowed out. The President should forget about bipartisanship and steamroller the limp dick GOP out of town. That goes for the Viagra drugged Rush Limp baugh as well! The country will be better off without the party of Limbaugh and Palin.
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