Monday, September 08, 2008

Will McCain And Palin Suspend Campaigning To Save The Gulf Coast From Ike?


McCain rushed down to the Gulf Coast and chased Hurricane Gustav around for a few days, trying his best to milk the publicity value that it might have been worth had it gone from  Cat 3 to Cat 4, rather than from Cat 2 to Cat 1. At least he was able to avoid having to endure live appearances of the discredited heads of his party, George Bush and Dick Cheney, at his convention.

The lobbyist brigade driving the Double Talk Express made the most they could out of Gustav's rainy, windy weather, even managing to project McCain's own repulsive opportunism onto Barack Obama's selfless endeavor to raise money for potential victims while McCain was busy raising headlines for himself.

Yesterday Hurricane Ike pounded the Caribbean islands, killing scores of people and is now heading towards the Florida Keys. It is expected to hit the Gulf Coast by Wednesday. "Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal said so-called "hurricane fatigue" should not prevent people there from leaving their homes for the second time in 10 days." Will it prevent McCain and Palin from their antics? Bush has already declared an official state of emergency for Florida-- but can it really be "official" until McCain and Palin get there to exploit the media?

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At 11:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Already, Ike is doing quite the number on Cuba as could, in the right circumstances, be the Communist regime's death knell (as in being unable to cope with recovery and cleanup efforts from two hurricanes so devastating within a week's time, to the extent that rioting and disorder could ensue @ Government warehouses stocking relief supplies and rations--which Fox Prolefeed could use as a "call to battle" for Wholehearted Mass Uprising against the Castro regime and its "restoring democracy" in the form of a Corporatist/Scientologist hybrid more than anything).


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