Is John McCain A Hypocrite? Does The Pope... Well, You Know

Lindsey Graham is not dupontpig2008 and he was not outed today
Today my pal Mike at BlogActive gave out a Roy Cohn Award. I had advance word one was coming and I had my fingers crossed that he finally had the evidence he needed for notorious closet queens Lindsey Graham (R-SC) or Miss McConnell (R-KY) but Mike is such a stickler. He practically has to catch them with things inserted before he'll call them out. Anyway today's self-loathing Republican closet case is dupontpig2008, John McCain's chief of staff. Yes, that John McCain-- the confused, bloodthirsty old kook running for president and campaigning against gay families from coast to coast. Apparently he's accepted dupontpig2008 into the bosom of his family, the fact that he was an ExxonMobil lobbyist trumping the sling in his closet and the wild sex parties in his home. (I wonder if this had anything to do with George Will repeatedly calling McCain a queen in tomorrow's Washington Post.)
My favorite radio personality, Michelangelo Signorile was all over this today. Is wondering about dupontpig2008's relationship with McCain's psychotically homophobic running mate. See, even if DeCay was correct today when he wrote earlier that McCain is trapped in his own paradox, the betrayer betraying himself (the betrayed), and isn't as homophobic as he tells the right-wing base he is-- and his acceptance of dupontpig2008's lifestyle would confirm that-- we do know that Livin' Palin doesn't have any nuances or paradoxes in her life. She's a real live, down the line religionist hate-monger and bigot-- unlike the more cosmopolitan Miss Cindy, a sometimes fag-hag.
John McCain is opposed to every single gay rights measure of recent years –- from a hate crimes bill, to an anti-discrimination bill to an attempt to repeal the “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy on gays in the military –- and is publicly on record supporting a ballot measure in California this November to strip gays and lesbians there of their legally-won right to marry in that state. If that isn’t enough to make it relevant to report on his 20-year-relationship with a close aide and chief of staff who is gay, the fact that Sarah Palin is now on the ticket -- garnering support for McCain from previously reticent antigay leaders like James Dobson of Focus on the Family –- surely does.
Mark Buse, after all, is a public figure in his own right. His role as chief of staff to a man running for president has elevated him and certainly his controversial former role as a prominent lobbyist has brought media scrutiny to him. And he is running the Senate office of a 72-year-old presidential candidate who has had recurrent cancer and who might well usher into the White House as president a woman who, by what evidence we have, has melded her politics with her evangelical religious beliefs.
As the story leaks into the mainstream media, McCain's homophobic campaign is trying to figure out how to respond. The best comment I heard so far was from someone who questioned McCain's judgment not because of his chief of staff's gay lifestyle or hypocrisy but because he is another example of a low-down crooked lobbyist for Big Oil, running the doddering senator's life for him.
Labels: gay Republicans, McCain's judgment, Republican hypocrisy
Buse-McCain's C.o.S.-"DupontPig2008"-sex parties-crystal meth.
Palin-McCain's running mate-exMayor of crystal meth capitol of Alaska.
Hmmmmm, I wonder......
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