If Your Opponent Is As Lame As Adam Putnam It's Not So Bad He Gets Lots Of TV Exposure

There are pros and cons to taking on a powerful leader of the opposition party. The bad news, of course is that the full weight of the power of incumbency can seem immovable. In Doug Tudor's race, he's fighting against the #3 villain in the House Republican hierarchy, Adam "Howdy Doody Nimrod" Putnam. The special interests that Putnam has served so slavishness since being elected-- insurance companies, Wall Street firms, commercial banks, Big Oil, lobbyists, Big Pharmaceutical companies-- have made sure his campaign warchest was obscenely filled. As of August 6 Putnam had already vacuumed up $1,430,300. Doug, who has no one to depend on but grassroots Americans wanting a fair break from their representatives in Washington. His $64,985 must be making him feel a lot like David going up against Goliath.
And then there's the free media. Putnam gets a load of it, not because he has anything original or interesting or innovative or eloquent to say, but because of his position as a Republican Party leader. But that's a two-edged sword. He gets on TV an awful lot-- but he mostly sounds like a twit. Because he is a twit and his ideas are pure GOP dogma, dogma that has failed the American people in Iraq, on Wall Street and back at home on Main Street. Today Bloomberg TV couldn't find anyone to make more sense of the Republican role in wrecking the federal regulatory system so they would up with Putnam. "Congressman," he was asked about the Wall Street meltdown his own policies had helped cause, "how do you protect the taxpayer from all this?" Howdy Doody Time:
Well, ultimately, you know, there’s there’s no question that the taxpayers now, uh uh, have taken on some exposure due to the actions that have been taken over the past several weeks and that’s why we were, quite frankly, frustrated with the lack of Congressional involvement because taxpayers were being exposed, uh, and that’s why I’m glad to see the Chairman and the Treasury Secretary did come to the Hill last night. I’m glad that they’re now reaching out. They recognize there is a very appropriate role for the elected representatives who do speak for these taxpayers who were exposed.
I figured we'd get Doug Tudor to translate this into normal English. Doug was astounded that Putnam was already looking at the crisis as something that taxpayers had "taken on" as "some exposure." Doug:
I don’t remember taking on any exposure. I do remember my supposed representative not representing me and now being stuck with a collective tax increase of nearly a trillion dollars. He’s “frustrated with the lack of Congressional involvement.” He’s frustrated, and WE’RE MAD AS HELL! As for his final sentence, he may be glad that someone is recognizing his supposed voice on our behalf, but he should have been demanding their compliance with federal regulations instead of echoing failed Republican fiscal talking points!
Adam sits on the two committees mainly responsible for overseeing the financial markets-- Agricultural and Financial Services. The Agricultural Committee is involved because the many subprime mortgages were bundled together and sold as commodities. The role of the Financial Services Committee is self-evident. Additionally, he is the Chairman of the House Republican Caucus. In the final role, he is charged with shaping and articulating his party’s message. He has failed in all three roles. Absolutely, Positively Failed!
While our financial system was quickly dissolving leaving millions upon millions of working families in dire financial straits-- checked your 401K lately?-- he and his colleagues decided to spend the month of August addressing an empty chamber of the House, crying “Drill, Baby, Drill!” While our retirement savings were being squandered by his fellow multimillionaires, Adam himself was slated to give a speech at the RNC explaining the Republican message of privatization of Social Security. I am sure he is now elated that Hurricane Ike canceled his speech explaining how investing in Wall Street would strengthen your Social Security pension. While millions upon millions of families lost their homes, Adam described Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac’s CEO Golden Parachutes of $15 Million and $9 Million “symbolic issues.”
At the start of the interview, Adam stated: “Greed cannot be allowed to move forward unchecked.” Unbelievably, he actually said that with a straight face. That’s after he’s taken $275,000.00 from Finance, Real Estate, Insurance, and Agribusiness lobbyists. THAT’S TWO HUNDRED SEVENTY FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARS FROM THE BUSINESSES THAT HE IS SUPPOSED TO REGULATE ON OUR BEHALF!
Doug gets it. He deserves our support. You can give him some here. And here's someone else who gets it:
Sunday Doug will be helping inaugurate Obama's third campaign office in Polk County, this one in Bartow (at 625 S. Holland Parkway/HWY 17) from 2 'til 5pm. If you're in the neighborhood, by all means stop by and say hello.
Labels: Adam Putnam, Doug Tudor, Florida, Howdy Doody, Social Security
As the great Molly Ivins once said, "You got to dance with them that brung ya." And is that little Adam Putnam doing the Polk County polka with his lobbyist buddies? Today the Lakeland Ledger, the biggest newspaper in Polk County headlined that the unemployment rate in the county had hit 7.8%. Higher than the U.S. rate and higher than the Florida rate. Over 10% of the county already lived below the poverty level before 'things got bad'. Toss the bum out; he's been feeding at the trough for too long. Vote for Doug Tudor.
Adam Putnam - like McSame and Bush - has no comprehension of what ordinary working folks go through. 'Cause he ain't one of US! Putnam's got his family's millions, McSame has Cindy's millions, Bush has daddy's millions. They can't possibly understand what it is like to be true working class folks ...what McSame has taken to calling the 'Fundamentals'.
Doug Tudor, on the other hand, just retired from a Navy career ...as Master Chief, the highest enlisted grade. Doug was not pulling in a 6-figure salary - and certainly does not have some family fortune to enjoy. What Doug Tudor DOES have is a real-world solid grip on REALITY. And that degree of understanding - coupled with his education and experience (including over 30 trips to Iraq) positions him to be able to offer us the opportunity to finally - FINALLY - have someone who will truly represent the interests of the working folks of District 12.
It should be clear to anyone who works for a living that Doug Tudor is the US Congressman we've been waiting for.
Adam Putnam has no idea what it's like to be a member of the working class in Central Florida. He doesn't know what it means to depend on that weekly paycheck, or how much it takes to fill the car up, or what's going to happen if we get sick and can't go to work...not to mention how much it will cost if we have to go to the doctor or end up in the hospital. He doesn't know that some homeowners are concerned because the house next door is empty now...the owners walked away from their non-secured mortgage...and left the house, and the yard, and the newpapers, and the trash, and now there is no one taking care of it...and it's bringing down the value of our neighborhood...but that value was already declining because of the housing market...which Adam Putnam did nothing about.
I want someone who can understand how that feels and can take this message to Congress: Stop sending jobs overseas. Make Social Security secure. Find and fund alternative fuel sources so that we are not dependent on foreign oil...or when there is a hurricane in the Gulf of Mexico,the surrounding states don't have to go without gasoline, or pay exorbitant rates because no one cares. Tell Congress that every citizen of the United States should be able to get medical care that is reasonable and responsive. Tell Congress that companies that take our jobs overseas will no longer get tax breaks...the working people should be getting tax breaks, not the multi-billion dollar corporations.
I want someone who will speak for me, FOR US...the people of the 12th District of Florida, and that person is Doug Tudor. I'm voting for Doug and I hope you will too.
I don't know what Adam Putnam's problem is, maybe he has been leading a vey protected life. The problem is that the rest of us are up to our ears with problems, money problems, job problems, kids school problems, housing problems. Enough, we need a guy that understands all this. Doug Tudor is that guy. Vote for Tudor---Putnam has to go.
Black Friday, September 19th, 2008 will go down in history as the day the US went from a free market economy to communism!
Truly voodoo economics have come home to stay!
And in phone calls to ADAM PUTNAM answers were demanded and none were given!
I am sick and tired of hearing the republicans Mc4Moreyears tell the American people that the Democrats are the reason for this mess as is Barack Obama!
ADAM PUTNAM OWNS THIS MESS and should be held accountable as he has been in lock step with party politics for the LAST EIGHT YEARS!
Putnam has never had to work a day in his life (for all intents and purposes) when you graduate from college, run for political office with the benefit of your families' millions and stay there for the last 12 years really doing NOTHING to make a difference in the lives of your constituents.
Oh, wait. I take that back. He has done something for his constituents.
We are the worse for his being in DC. We are deeper in debt, without healthcare, our jobs have gone overseas and our sons and daughters are mired in an endless war! As we slave to make ends meet day after day and face paying yet higher taxes for it!
Want a voice in Washington... YOUR voice?
VOTE Doug Tudor...
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