Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Christ's Message Was A Message Of Hatred And Self-loathing? Just Ask One Of His Ministers, James David Manning, "PdD"


James David Manning preaches at the ATLAH World Missionary Church on 123rd Street in Harlem. After a long career as a small time hoodlum and stints in prison up and down the East Coast for burglary, robbery and larceny he found a demented, hate-filled version of "Christianity"... and, of course, the Republican Party. He claims a PhD from some kind of cockamamie "university" called the Atlah Theological Seminary and his mission these days is unadulterated Obama-bashing-for-McCain.

It's not all that infrequently that I come across self-loathing gays. They usually identify themselves in a matter of minutes, even if they don't have a McCain beanie on. They're invariably a sickening and ugly lot. I always think that the Black Is Beautiful movement of the 60s is needed among gays to help this pathetic creatures accept themselves and love what God made them.

Today I realized that the Black Is Beautiful movement didn't help everyone back in the 60's. It sure didn't help poor Manning. WOW! Does this guy hate himself. But instead of hating the crook inside he hates the color of his skin. Normally you don't hear this kind of vicious racism from anyone short of a KKK member of Alabama or a neo-Nazi in Idaho. And this is the kind of stuff they're using to brainwash "Christians?" Manning:
"The only kind of white woman that would take up with a Black man back in the 50s and the 60s was a trashy white woman... a floozy, a low life snail-eatin' white woman. That's the kind of woman that Obama's mama was."

Don't puke on your computer, but try watching the whole "sermon":

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At 8:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Frigging idiot.

At 11:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I haven't heard anyone talk so much about anybody's mama like this since the playgrounds of fourth grade.

Where's the playground supervisor when you need one?


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