For Some Gays McCain Is The Right Choice (For President... Of The United States... Of America)

A few days ago I was shocked to see that a CNN poll was showing that 11% of Germans thought McCain would make a better president than Obama. Although the poll has been updated to show that it is actually only 6% of Germans, it still boggles the mind that after the thorough denazification Germany went through, there are even 6% thinking McCain would be suitable as leader of something beyond a highway trash pick-up crew. (And in Italy fully 15% think McCain's the one!)
Even more shocking than what Germans and Italians think, is what a new Harris Poll shows about gay and lesbian Americans. 14% of LGBT voters claim they plan to vote for McCain! Are there that many sad, pathetic self-loathing gays out there? Or is this just the racism talkin'? Now the Greed and Selfishness Republicans-- led by sick, dangerous and hypocritical closet queens like Mitch McConnell, Larry Craig, Mark Foley, Patrick McHenry, Troy King, David Dreier and, most of all, Lindsey Graham-- are understandable. It's all about the money. But that's not 14% of Americans. That's not 4% of Americans.
The Mad Professah summed it up elegantly this afternoon:
This is a man who doesn't even know what the acronym LGBT stands for.
He also doesn't really believe in gay adoption, supports a ban on gays in the military, is worried if his clothing looks too gay, isn't sure if condoms stop the spread of HIV, thinks same-sex marriage ceremonies are okay as long as they're just pretend, and has promised right-wing religious groups that he'll start speaking out more vocally against LGBT causes.
Any gay person who votes for McCain should have his or her membership card revoked.
Labels: gay Republicans
Even more shocking than what Germans and Italians think, is what a new Harris Poll shows about gay and lesbian Americans. 14% of LGBT voters claim they plan to vote for McCain! Are there that many sad, pathetic self-loathing gays out there? Or is this just the racism talkin'? Now the Greed and Selfishness Republicans-- led by sick, dangerous and hypocritical closet queens like Mitch McConnell, Larry Craig, Mark Foley, Patrick McHenry, Troy King, David Dreier and, most of all, Lindsey Graham-- are understandable.
I didn't know 13.5% of those surveyed agreed with Mini-me but it is reasonable as those things go. After all, don't like 20% of Americans believe in UFO's?
If they vote for McSame not only should their gay card be revoked, but they should return the swell toaster ovens they got too.
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