Just when you thought you've heard everything: Now there are National Socialists FOR Israel!
A friend passes along this nugget from the English-language edition of the fine Israeli newspaper Haaretz:
German neo-Nazis: We're pro-Israel, condemn anti-Semitism
By Ofer Aderet, Haaretz Correspondent
Nazis against anti-Semitism? As bizarre as that sounds, a group of Germans which calls itself "National Socialists For Israel" launched its Web site in support of Israel.
"Stop the hatred of the Jewish people," the Web site reads. "The Jews are a healthy, strong nation."
The organization - whose members have yet to reveal themselves to the public - claims that Israel's right to exist is anchored in the principles of social Darwinism, the same principles which the Nazis adopted prior to the Second World War.
"Israel earned the right to live among the nations [after emerging] from unending wars," the group writes on the site. "Israel also has a right to exist. This nation also has culture... The nation of Israel is appreciated... It is our duty, as neo-Nazis, to defend this supreme success. Not just for the German people and the European cultural sphere, but also, especially, for Israel."
As such, "Nazis for Israel" also leveled criticism at their colleagues in the neo-Nazi National Democratic Party (NPD), calling them "politicos, cowards, and reactionaries."
"Show us proof of a Jewish plot to dominate the world," they wrote in a rare manifesto which was posted on their Web site.These unusual statements on the internet compliment the group's other public campaigns, including the dissemination of bumper stickers. One of the stickers features a picture of Reinhard Heydrich, the senior Nazi official who chaired the Wansee Conference where the Final Solution was hatched. Underneath the photo reads: "As a Nazi, I'm a Zionist."
Another sticker shows a photo of Israel Defense Forces soldiers during the Second Lebanon War under the heading: "2,000 years of struggling to survive - respect to those worthy of it."
In terms of the group's attitude towards the Holocaust, the organization says: "We must view what is referred to as 'the Holocaust' within the context of acts of self-defense undertaken by nations under threat." It added, however, "that there is no justification for it." Instead, the Nazis ought to have supported the Zionist cause, the group states.
The group claims it held its first meeting of activists in Berlin last month. It said the meeting touched on issues ranging from "solidarity with Israel, anti-Semitism, capitalism, and Islam."
The website, by the way, is http://nasofi.blogspot.com/.
Well, you have to say, this is something genuinely new!
I have to think, though, that these are pretty sorry excuses for Nazis. I can see that the guys (what makes me think that the membership is predominantly male?) wanted really badly to join a group -- you know, for the camaraderie, the sense of belonging, the beerfests, and so on, but I have to think they really didn't do their homework, or just didn't think the thing through.
I mean, I have to think that this isn't just me -- that hating Jews and blaming the Jews for all the world's ills have always been an integral part of the National Socialist package. Really, the Fuehrer would surely have been pretty insistent on that.
The good news for our German friends is that the Nazis aren't the only fascist movement around. Why, the actual "fascists," for example -- i Fascisti would be much more accommodating of non-Jew-haters. In a pinch, they can always start their own fascist movement. (They should try to make sure that at least one of the founding members has a really nice house, where they could have parties and such.) But what's the point of being a neo-Nazi when you just know that all the other neo-Nazis are just going to look down at you?
For what it's worth, we find this item in the political section of the Washington, D.C., sector of Craig's List:
"National Socialists For Israel"
Alleged German Group Upsets Jews
Overthrow Staff
Berlin, Germany -- The Jewish press is puzzling this morning over whether a group calling itself "National Socialists for Israel" is real. The group, which appears to exist only as a blog hosted by Google, claims to support the Zionist occupation of Palestine and recommend that Germans fly the flag of the Zionist Entity at nationalist demonstrations.
Such political views are not uncommon in the "third positionist" scene, which is a term used to describe ideologies that support German nationalism as one manifestation of a universal nationalism that is valid for all people. Adherents of these ideologies, who tend to be few and divorced from any political movement, often refer to themselves as "national anarchists", "national bolsheviks" or with similar mixed left and right wing monikers.
Such movements originate in left wing tendencies in the German National Socialist movement of the 1920s and 1930s, a fuller discussion of which appeared in the November 2007 issue of National Socialist magazine, entitled "Nationalism in the Mud".
Labels: Fascists, Haaretz, National Socialists for Israel, Nazis
"But what's the point of being a neo-Nazi when you just know that all the other neo-Nazis are just going to look down at you?"
The fucking point is that Zionism is an extention of Jewish nationalist thought, and such a development within the German Nazi movement should have occured at some point. I'm pretty surprised it took them this long to get some perspective and state the obvious.
Oh, and your statement in the lines of "national socialism - antisemitism = fascism" is hilarious. Seriously though, you could use some brainwaves.
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