
In the last electoral cycle, the most corrupt of the right-wing Democrats in the House, the Blue Dogs (widely derided as "the Republican wing of the Democratic Party"), only endorsed one Democrat running for the Senate, Harold Ford of Memphis. Ford's was the only high profile race for a Senate seat that the Democrats lost in 2006. And it was an open seat, considered far far easier to take than to beat a sitting incumbent. Populist and progressive Democrats retired Republicans in every other competitive race, ending the miserable political careers of Rick Santorum (R-PA), George Allen (R-VA), Conrad Burns (R-MT), Mike DeWine (R-OH), James Talent (R-MO), the more honorable career of Lincoln Chafee (R-RI) and winning the other heavily contested open seat (in Maryland).
But yesterday's Hill reports that the Blue Dogs, whose bank account is filled with massive corporate bribes from the special interests they are always shilling for, plan to stick their snouts into some Senate races. The reason the Blue Dogs are so well-heeled is because they were among the biggest non-Republican recipients of bribes-- so called "campaign contributions"-- from the telecoms and they forced the retroactive immunity onto the House agenda in return. All 22 Democrats who signed a letter to Speaker Pelosi demanding retroactive immunity are Blue Dogs:
• Marion Berry (AR)- $19,550
• John Barrow (GA)- $19,500
• Leonard Boswell (IA)- $13,750
• Mike Ross (AR)- $18,000
• Earl Pomeroy (ND)- $8,000
• Bud Cramer (AL)- $6,000
• Melissa Bean (IL)- $12,500
• Allen Boyd (FL)- $12,000
• Joe Baca (CA)- $15,100
• John Tanner (TN)- $17,500
• Jim Matheson (UT)- $15,000
• Lincoln Davis (TN)- $15,500
• Brad Ellsworth (IN)- $15,500
• Charlie Melancon (LA)- $13,000
• Dennis Moore (KS)- $14,000
• Zack Space (OH)- $22,000
• Dan Boren (OK)- $9,500
• Chris Carney (PA)- $5,000
• Jim Cooper (TN)- $8,000
• Tim Holden (PA)- $5,500
• Nick Lampson (TX)- $7,500
• Heath Shuler (NC)- $13,200
The bolded names were the most rabid, who refused to go along with Hoyer's promise that he would work out a backroom deal-- which he did-- giving the Telecom campaign contributors immunity. They were the only Democrats to vote with the Republicans for retroactive immunity the first go-round. And the dollar amounts are how much the telecoms have paid off each of these disgraceful, unethical-- if not criminal-- members of Congress. By the way, the biggest telecom payday of all went to Democratic arm twister and slimebucket Rahm Emanuel who took in a hefty $49,950 and who helped Hoyer deliver the votes that were needed to pass retroactive immunity. All the bribe amounts from telecoms to members of Congress are available at OpenSecrets.
The first race the Blue Dogs are talking about jumping in to is in Virginia, a sure win, in which Mark Warner is widely expected to bury Jim Gilmore, a right wing kook. “We’re interested in getting some like-minded people in the Senate,” said John Tanner, a reactionary Democrat who chairs the Blue Dog PAC. Evan Bayh, who isn't facing re-election this year, immediately started jumping up and down, wagging his tail and barking loudly: “Over the years there have been efforts to establish centrist … groups here,” Bayh said. “It’s never been as formal or as lasting as the Blue Dogs, but obviously the more like-minded members that we have-- centrists, pragmatists-- the greater the potential for something like that to occur with me. I’m not interested in joining an organization just to join something, but if there’s actually a potential for practical results? Absolutely. We need more of that around here.”
The Blue Dog PAC primarily raises money for members of the Blue Dog caucus. This year they have also given money to a number of like-minded arch-conservative Democrats who aren't officially members:
Don Cazayoux (LA)- $5,000
Travis Childers (MS)- $20,000
candidate Jill Derby (NV)- $5,000
candidate Christine Jennings (FL)- $5,000
Labels: Blue Dogs, Culture of Corruption, FISA, retroactive immunity, telecoms
Where is your post saying that Obama is a traitor? He is going to vote for the bill WITH telecom immunity. He seems to think, as do those who voted for the bill, that national security and the constitution are more important then a vendetta. You are a very spiteful person and you are the real reactionary. Maybe your feeling a little insecure.
danGerstein? Is that you?
You know what else the Blue Democrats are up too? They voted in a Mortgage Bailout Bill no joke that bails out houses for up to $300 Billion Dollars- that's nuts!
This website had me call; I suggest you do the same!
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