
Ardy Kassakhian Is the City Clerk of Glendale, just down the road a piece from where I live (walking distance). Michael Fish doesn't live that much further away, although in the other direction (West Hollywood). Like Ardy, he's a progressive activist. He makes his living as a record producer and screenwriter. The two of them have been pondering John Edwards' next move and wrote up a report for DWT:
by Michael Fish & Ardy Kassakhian
They stood there at the debates and it was down to three.
If Barak Obama was "Speak No Evil," and Hillary was "See No Evil," by subtraction, arguably, it could be said that Edwards was "Hear No Evil." John Edwards was not about to listen to any reason why, together, we couldn’t cure the disease of poverty in America. Unfortunately, it wouldn’t be enough to get him into the general election, however heartfelt and cogent his message. It’s not that we didn’t believe him: we did. He spoke in that noble way that separates statesmen from politicians. But a presidential candidate needs to speak to a larger array of issues. Obama’s message of ‘change’-- however imprecise it may have sounded at times-- symbolized a larger canvas more suitable to a man with presidential ambition.
Still, John Edwards emerged as the custodian of democratic conscience. When conservatives scoffed and told the middle and lower classes that it took hard work to succeed, it was John Edwards who reminded them that working hard wasn’t the issue; it was the opportunity to do the work that evaded so many. For Edwards, the issue was always access, making sure the law served everyone equally, not just the privileged.
Yesterday Senator John Edwards gave Barack Obama his support and the pundits all went into overdrive. The cliche we heard most often was whether Edwards would agree to be the vice president. So let me say it now and get it off my chest
If John Edwards agrees to be the Vice President of the United States, we will have lost-- potentially-- one of the best and greatest attorney generals America never had.
Pundits are smart, but seem to lack imagination... so let’s review....
George Bush and Karl Rove attempted to turn ‘justice’ into an RNC annex, perverting and neutering the intent of that office while distorting the brilliant purpose underlying constitutional imperatives. John Edwards can fix that. He must. It’s the logical first step in his plan for social mobilization.
John Edwards should be the legal custodian of this nation: it is organic to who he is. If Sen. Edwards wants to make sure his "war on poverty" has the countenance of a legal system designed to retool archaic American institutions that allow poverty to thrive, ground zero is making sure a ravaged Justice Department is repaired. Equality in all aspects of education, employment, government and military service-- without regard to sexual orientation, race and religion, or political connection is the goal.
Of course, the V.P. office would be fine, but we need to turn Mr. Gonzalez’ former desk over to a man of character, an agent whose purpose is a principled Madisonian one. We need a person who defines the law in terms of fair play while propelled by the sheer political will to finish the job. Attorney General Bobby Kennedy once made sure a young African American girl could walk with dignity into a ‘white school.’ John Edwards has demonstrated he has instincts parallel to Kennedy’s. Forget poverty czars and commissions. If it’s "liberty and justice for all" your after, John Edwards - as our attorney general-- seems poised to deliver on that promise, the American promise.
Lets hope the pundits are listening.
The lamest GOP shill anywhere: "...the suggestion that John Edwards would be even considered for Attorney General is horrifying. I really can't think of any mainstream political figure more inappropriate for that job than Edwards."
Labels: Department of Justice, John Edwards, Obama's cabinet
I recently started listening to the Stephanie Miller show and the other day she said Edwards would make a great Attorney General. I agree completely.
No argument here. I'm quietly hoping AG is what Edwards wants, too.
Edwards would fit in multiple slots and his chosen drum in the campaign was POVERTY (which he HAS erased in HIS family).
He was my choice for pres but since that is going to be a nightmare for whatever poor GUY gets it, he is probably better off and can maybe get more done.
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