Wednesday, April 16, 2008



Hopefully everyone who reads DWT, if not everyone in the country, is now aware that Condoleezza Rice was one of the high ranking Bush Regime officials who specifically went over specific torture methods... and approved them. All the while she was telling the American people and the world community that "we" would never condone or allow or approve torture, She is no longer fit-- if she ever was-- to represent this nation. It is a disgrace that she stay on as Secretary of State for even one more hour. When she was first confirmed as Secretary of State 13 Democrats-- and, of course, all of the rubber stamp Republicans-- voted for her. Perhaps those 13 Democrats should go have a talk with her. Perhaps Clinton, Obama, Reid, Biden, Feinstein, Rockefeller, all Democrats who say they really oppose torture (but who voted with the GOP to confirm her), should lead the delegation.

Please sign the petition and watch the video:

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At 1:38 PM, Blogger woid said...

I'd love to see the Republicans run Condi for VP.

She'd neutralize some of the racist vote — people who don't want to vote for Obama wouldn't have the alternative of an all-white ticket.

And it would be a pleasure to take her down by constantly rerunning the moment when she had to recite the title of the ignored 2001 PDB, "Bin Laden Determined To Strike Inside U.S."

An easy target, and an easy way to hang the Bush albatross around their necks.

At 8:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rice can't run for vice president. She'll be too busy with her lawyers, building her defense against war crimes charges. Also, a vice president needs to be able to travel to foreign countries. A number of foreign countries would love to arrest her on war crimes the minute she stepped on their soil. Next stop: the Hague.

At 9:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ditto woid...

PLEASE run Condi the Incompetent...

A Stanford Russian Cold War Academic pimping Star Wars when they flew low tech planes into the WTC.

HOW'D that Texas Village Idiot say it?
Bring it on...Mission Accomplished.


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