Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Quote of the day: You have to give those Bush regimists credit for one thing--comedic delivery that's guaranteed to make you laugh till you cry


They're a laff riot, those GOP jokesters.

So it seems that Rep. Henry Waxman, in his capacity as chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, while attempting to, you know, do a spot of overseeing, received word from the Republican National Committee that by gosh they've tried quite hard enough already to resurrect those kajillions of "missing" White House e-mails.

Of course, by law the White House is required to preserve all of its e-mails. But those cagey dastards in the White House--notably the one whose initials are "Karl Rove"--found a way around the law: by doing government business on non-White House e-mail systems like that of the RNC. Okay, it's flagrantly illegal, but since when has that carried any weight in the Bush White House? It does, however, put these particular WH lawbreakers in a Catch-22-like bind: Either the RNC e-mail system isn't subject to WH records-preservation requirements, in which case it's plainly illegal to discuss government business on them, or the RNC system is every bit as subject to legal preservation requirements, and is just as available for discovery, as the legitimate WH system.

It appears, however, that Karl Rove used the legit e-mail network only for matters like this:
from: KARL ROVE (White House)

to: MONICA GOODLING (Dept. of Justice)

date: 3/5/07

subject: Dairy Products

In future when DoJ hosts meetings that include important people from other areas of the Executive Branch such as the White House, please make sure that not only whole and skim milk are available for use in coffee but also 1-percent and 2-percent milk. Sometimes a person just has to worry about preserving his girlish figure.

Sincerely yours,
"Kitty" Karl

P.S.: By the way, Monica, some people also like half 'n' half.

Left unsaid, of course, is that the sole purpose of such meetings during the Bush regime has been the dismantling of the U.S. Constitution and the onging perversion of DoJ into the law-bending hit squad of the America-hating and -raping GOP crime machine. After all, why would that need to be said? What other function has DoJ performed during the hell-on-wheels that has been the Bush regime?

But I digress. I wanted to get to the gut-busting official RNC position on the matter, as reported by Dan Eggen in today's Washington Post:

Spokesman Danny Diaz said in a statement that the RNC "is fully compliant with the spirit and letter of the law." He declined further comment.

Whoa! I laughed so hard, I thought my insides would burst! You have to admire the sheer balls of our Danny, whose workplace nickname must surely be "Shecky." I mean, tribute paid to "the spirit and letter of the law" by a regime that constitutionally spits on the letter of the law and defecates on the spirit?

Isn't it bad enough what these people have done to the concept of respect for the law? Now they reduce the very idea of obeying the law to a mere joke punchline?

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