"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying the cross."
-- Sinclair Lewis
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
The game room at Mitt's house? Like, where he has "the boys" over for, you know, poker--yeah, that's it, poker.
All last week almost everyone in Bangkok-- not counting tourists-- wore a pale yellow polo shirt with a royal insignia on it. It was in celebration of the king's birthday. It was really incredible seeing whole busloads of men, women and children of all ages and classes all wearing the same shirt. This week they're all wearing an almost identical shirt-- celebrating the king's good health-- and the color of the week is the color of luck: pink.
This would be a bad week for Willard Romney to visit Thailand. It isn't only because luck has turned against the flip-flopping Mormon bishop who would be his party's presidential nominee; it is because apparently Willard just hates pink! Hates it. In between a spate of recent public sobbing bouts, the GOP's most effeminate candidate was interviewed on Meet the Press. When questioned about the charges-- in more depth and with more serious research than his GOP opponents had tried at a recent debate-- that he had hired (and re-hired after being unambiguously informed about the immigration status of his low wage employees) undocumented workers to do yard work at his pink mansion, Romney got a weird look in his beady eyes.
Willard got in a huff but not really over the charges of hiring undocumented laborers. Republicans, after all, may hate foreigners and immigrants but they love slavery and cheap labor. No, what Willard got in a tizzy over was the charge that he lived in a pink house. He looked straight at the camera, jaw thrust out, anus clamped tightly shut, and with practised decisiveness told the American people, "I would not have a pink house."
I have no way of knowing if Willard Romney has ever had sex with another male-- he was quite a looker when he was younger, particularly when he was prancing around France trying to entice Frenchmen to join his cult-- but I do know he is the biggest fag the Republicans have ever put up for presidential consideration-- and considering the present doofus they've installed in the White House, that is saying a lot. I'd say Hillary is about 20 times butcher than Willard and not even nearly as pathetic. Huckabee has his own weird gay problems-- among his myriad of problems-- and Rudy Giuliani is a drag queen, but no one is such an out and out simpering freak as Willard. I can't even imagine they'd allow him in any self-respecting gay bar! The entire party is pathological and as today's Washington Post points out, the hypocrisy is nothing short of startling.
The most depressing thing about the Republican presidential race is that the party's rank and file require their candidates to grow meaner with each passing week. And now, inconveniently, inconsiderately, comes Christmas, a holiday that couldn't be better calibrated to expose the Republicans' rank, fetid hypocrisy.
This clip is for Bishop Willard Romney who may or may not ever live in a pink house but will certainly never live in the White House:
My sister thinks Romney would have been the nominee before Big Love... on HBO I'm Jewish.Jut found out my daughters boyfriends family is Mormon!!! Here in Pennsylvania...And this family comes from serious money. Maybe not Mitt Romney kind of money but old money. And speaking of Romney how he made his money from Bain capital is such an under reported story.And since Bain just aquired Clear Channel will continue to go un reported
My sister thinks Romney would have been the nominee before Big Love...
on HBO
I'm Jewish.Jut found out my daughters
boyfriends family is Mormon!!! Here in Pennsylvania...And this family comes from serious money. Maybe not Mitt Romney kind of money but old money. And speaking of Romney how he made his money from Bain capital is such an under reported story.And since Bain just aquired Clear Channel will continue to go un reported
God - I love this blog!
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