Friday, December 07, 2007

Want to send a message to the network suits in charge of your favorite TV show(s) urging them to get the writers back to work? Do it in two clicks


Along with our friends at the Firedoglake blogs, Raw Story, Daily Kos, Democratic Underground, AlterNet, Crooks & Liars, Digby, and Open Left, we're offering our readers a ridiculously easy way to contact the network executive and CEO in charge of your favorite TV shows in support of the writers in the WGA strike,

At the link, there's a dropdown menu that enables you to select from among 130-plus shows and then either write your own message--there are talking points supplied--or use some or all of the text already in place. The idea, as FDL's Jane Hamsher puts it, is to get those stinking network suits "to negotiate in good faith with the writers and pay them a fair wage." But of course you can say anything you want in the privacy of your e-mail. (Hint: You may not want to refer to those delicate geniuses at the networks as "stinking suits," or even "empty suits.") Then again, heck, it's your e-mail.)

Of course there's no limit to the number of shows you can write on behalf of.


At 2:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Suits:
There are thousands of good writers available to work in the television industry for reasonable wages. I expect you will have no trouble replacing the current crew of scriveners with one of equal or superior quality for much less money. I for one will enjoy Deadliest Catch, Dirty Jobs, Good Eats. Top Chef, Survivor, Project Runway and other fine programming until you have replaced the strikers with better writers and resumed your regular programming.
I will continue to watch those shows after you resume your regular programming too.

At 3:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, if Reagan can replace air traffic controllers, a bunch of writers are certainly not indispensable. Come on Hollywood, let's bust this union!

At 5:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oops. Nope. The people (AL! My brother...We are the world we are the people...I will even forgive you invoking the name of Mr. Iran/Contra Arms for Hostage Terrorist model. HOLD ME!) are united on this one.

And I LOVED Jane but she is modeling something similar, shutting out TRex, and going for the mainstream money. BAD time to be riding an old trend. Permanent Midnight.

Independents RULE. You signed the contract without internet/residuals, you don't get the residuals. Go for the internet/residuals and mainstream shows AND you can be replaced.
Mainstream blogs (FDL) YOU can be replaced when you toss your snarkey independents

Check out a great Independent Blog (like DWT, I AM TREX).

At 1:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm a striking TV writer from United Hollywood. Last Friday we put out a call to action to help end the hypocrisy of Chris Lehane being a union buster. We're happy to report people are taking this seriously and Lehane has now been terminated from two more labor unions in support of the WGA.
Please see the following posts:

United Hollywood:


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