
Rep. Robert Wexler (FL-19), along with fellow Representatives Luis Gutierrez (IL-4) and Tammy Baldwin (WI-2), has created a website for all true patriots. The site is wexlerwantshearings.com. I urge all those who love America, regardless of party affiliation, go and sign the petition at the site. In an ideal world, it just might lead to our country repairing itself after the damage wrecked upon it by the biggest, vilest mafia it has ever had to endure. Logically, Wexler and his associates are calling for hearings on the behavior of Dick Cheney, currently masquerading as Vice President of the United States.
Wexler is calling for a fair look into "credible allegations of abuse of power that if proven may well constitute high crimes and misdemeanors". The charges relate to Cheney's actions in leading us into stopping the hunt for Bin Laden in order to unnecessarily invade and occupy Iraq, illegal wiretapping of American citizens, and his actions in the revealing of the identity of a covert U.S. agent for political purposes, thus endangering not only the agent, but the agent's contacts whose fate is unknown, and our country's intelligence web of security. The later charge is something that even former President George H. W. Bush has said is an act of TREASON. Former White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan has indicated that Cheney and his staff deliberately gave him false information about the matter. We may not have heard the last about the Valerie Plame Wilson affair after all. Wexler wants to call McClellan and other administration officials to Congress to testify.
Recent revelations about the N.I.E. and their conclusions on Iran's nuke capabilities indicate that the administration has yet again cooked up evidence of WMDs to suit their oily agenda. Many in the corporate media are, of course, promoting the absurd Repug talking point that all sixteen of our nations' intelligence agencies are somehow lying, together, in some sort of nefarious cahoots on the subject, when we know, sadly, that any two of them have trouble even communicating with each other on even more urgent matters like terrorists taking flying lessons right here in the U.S.
Back on November 7th, the House Of Representatives (the whole House, not just a committee) voted to send a resolution of impeachment of Darth Cheney to the House Judiciary Committee. Wexler, Gutierrez, and Baldwin are urging that the hearings begin now. You can help buttress their argument by signing their petition. They need our support in order to convince the cowardly among them, including their so-called leader and Bush/Cheney protector, Nancy Pelosi. Needless to say, both Republicans and Democrats voted to send the resolution to committee, even if for different reasons. Some disingenuous Republicans may live to regret their actions. Too bad. You see, honesty should be the best policy. Sure, that would be a new concept in Congress, but there's certainly room for improvement.
This is no blow job in the Oval Office. This is about murder, maiming, mayhem, war profiteering, AND the creation of new generations of terrorists that we will have to deal with for years to come. Sure Bush and Cheney and the puppet masters that program the thoughts of their none so blind as those who will not see followers don't care and don't have the empathy for us ordinary citizens to give a rat's ass. To them, it's "I got mine, Jack, and I want more, more, more. Then, give me more tax breaks so I can keep more, more, more while the peons die, for all we care."
Once more, here's the site. Thousands have already signed since yesterday. At the site, you can even link to Rep. Wexler's very articulate, well-reasoned Op-Ed piece that has been offered to the nation's "news"papers. So far, they have all refused to run it. No surprise there! Sign the petition. Start with Cheney. Then on to Bush. Remember, what's left of our Constitution still provides for the Impeachment, Conviction, and Imprisonment of people like Bush and Cheney, even after their terms are up. According to a November 13 poll done by American Research Group, a majority, 70%, of the American people feel that Cheney has abused his power. 43% say he should be removed from office right now and that's without impeachment even being on the front pages. Congress is always the last to know what's going on out in America. Let them know! Let them have it! Sure, it's a dream. Sure it's an ideal. But, it's a dream and ideal that this country was founded upon. The fish rots from the head. Nothing in our culture will get fixed until we fix this. We also need to do this to set an example for future clowns in government. I have always felt that letting Nixon off the hook in 1974 was a mistake and that someday it would lead to something even worse than Nixon. That day has come. That day is NOW.
Labels: Cheney, Impeachment, Pelosi, Robert Wexler
Well I'm in.
(it isn't like they don't already HAVE our names from their intelligence gathering......
Wait, they DON't have our names! They suck badly
at "intelligence" gathering.
History will look back on us and wonder at any patriot's name that is not on the list of Impeaching Cheney.
Pick your crime,
1. lying about a sloppy blow job after hours or
2. extending and manipulating presidential power and data to pre-emptively attack a sovereign nation on trumped up and false data about WMD's that didn't exist from a 3rd rate military COVERED with inspectors, and US flyovers. (oops was that MY
company, Halliburton, that got all the no-bid contracts and had all those Blackwater connections? My bad, dontcha love deferred compensation?)
SIGN the petition. Do you want to be visited by the GHOSTS of DownWithTyrannyPast?
Ghost of Democracy Past = Sinclair Lewis ("It can't happen here" and DWT header, When Fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying the cross.")
Ghost of Democracy Present -Howie Klein, (assists from Dennis Kucinich, Ron Paul, Rudy Gulliani in drag, and Paul Wellstone, RIP)
Ghost of Democracy Future - Joe Conason ("It can't happen here"...Da Capo).
' ' '
What a bunch of idiots you guys are. CONGRESS authorized military actiions against Iraq! You act lile Bush sort of did this in the dark of night with no one knowing about it!
Here's what happened in th previous administration:
The only president ever impeached on grounds of personal malfeasance
- Most number of convictions and guilty pleas by friends and associates*
- Most number of cabinet officials to come under criminal investigation
- Most number of witnesses to flee country or refuse to testify
- Most number of witnesses to die suddenly
- First president sued for sexual harassment.
- First president accused of rape.
- First first lady to come under criminal investigation
- Largest criminal plea agreement in an illegal campaign contribution case
- First president to establish a legal defense fund.
- First president to be held in contempt of court
- Greatest amount of illegal campaign contributions
- Greatest amount of illegal campaign contributions from abroad
- First president disbarred from the US Supreme Court and a state court
W has a ways to go be beat Bill!
"What a terrible thing it is to lose one's mind"
- Repug idol Dan Quayle
No where in my post did I let Congress of the hook for Iraq. Everyone knows their role by now in giving the nod to use of force if it ever became neccessary, which it never did. The question (ONE of the questions) that Wexler would like a look into is Cheney's role in LEADING US into an uneccessary war, especially when a more pressing matter was being dealt with in Afghanistan, even if it was being botched by letting Bin Laden, perhaps deliberately, escape. LEADING US includes leadiing Congress by FIXING the data, as the infamous Downing Street Memo says, and LYING us into war by LYING TO CONGRESS. Congress made the dire mistake of trusting the very small man who lives in a big white house. THAT is one of the complaints against Cheney.
I assume you actually READ the post. I have noticed that DWTs posts cause you great stress and anger. So, I have to ask; why would you continue to read them? Are you a masochist? Or, is someone just paying you to read them? Are you sitting in your PJs in your basement or in an abandoned missile silo making your lists of trangressors? Perhaps some small little corner of your mind knows that we are right. Denial is a terrible thing. I offer my compassion, conservative or not :). Comprehension is the key.
One must always know and understand his opponent. I learn nothing by reading what other conservatives have to say. I learn much by reading those who are consumed by irrational hate and fear of conservatives and Republicans. The average American out there has no idea that guys like you actually exist!
Because you state an opinion, does not make it a fact. Future generations that will judge this administration, not you!
Mid-east peace talks, Iran drops nuke program, North Korea drops nuke program, Lybia drops nuke program. Saddam Hussein executed. Ben Laden in hiding. The Taliban out of power. No attacks on American soil since 2001.
This administration's legacy has great potental. I know that eats at you guys.
Sleep well tonight knowing you are safe from attack becasue of those who are willing to die and make the hard choices to keep you safe.
Gods bless!
It wouldn't eat at me even if it was true. As for the Taliban, I assume you mean the one in Afghanistan which has been steadily reclaiming power since we have been so occupied elsewhere. I believe your boy Bushie said he wanted Bin Laden "dead or alive". We have neither after he let him escape. However, there is a Taliban right here that fights things like science, womens' rights, a black person's votiing rights, etc., and worries way too much about what we read and that we believe in things like evolution.
Middle East peace talks. Gee, we never had those before.
Safer? Have all those recommendations by the 9/11 Commission be adopted and funded? Are container ships being fully checked? Do relaxed pollution standards make our children safer? Crumbling bridges? Are deregulated mines safer? Ask the guys who died in them. Oh, that's right. You can't.
Granted, we haven't been attacked on our soil since 2001. I'd hate to see it, especially after Dubya dropped the ball the first time after ignoriing repeated warnings. His incompetence has been so pervasive, I worry he'll drop it again.
I invite you to join the reality based community, but what I do fear is that it will take a very rude awakening for you to do so.
For now you parrot FAUX NEWS talking points. Meanwhile the opinions of what you call average Americans are changing every day. The number of Progressives grows. Sleep well, my friend.
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