Saturday, August 25, 2007



DWT readers probably have figured out that I'm no fan of organized religion. Friends of mine have read some of the terrible things I've said about Mormons-- usually in the context of tearing down Mitt Romney-- and told me I'm a bigot. I tell them I'm an equal-opportunity bigot and that I don't see the absurdity of Mormonism any differently from the absurdity of any other religionism. They all do far more evil than good.

Tonight I went to see September Dawn, thinking it might give me some insight into Mormonism and into the Romney campaign. I hope to God this terrible film has nothing to do with contemporary Mormons or with Mitt Romney. Not only do I hope it; I feel sure that that is the case.

The movie is so filled with hate and vileness that I would strongly suggest no one bother seeing it. I just came back from Mann's Chinese Theater. Aside from myself, there were 3 people in the theater. I'm certain that Mitt Romney would make a perfectly horrendous president, but that has nothing to do with Brigham Young or Joseph Smith; it has to do with his lack of character and his twisted vision of an America built on greed, selfishness, narrow bigotry and a pinched sense of divisiveness. Forget September Dawn and forget Mitt Romney; they both stink.

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At 3:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sure the movie was perfectly dreadful, but the Mormons refused to admit the truth about their participation until recently. They put most of the blame on the Indians while insisting that the victims had been "bad people."

The true story is a cautionary tale about how even good people can be driven to commit a massacre against innocent people because of the hysteria of an imagined threat. It also demonstrates that failure to honestly face what you've done can lead to centering your religion around a corrupt lie.

Ironically, when Mitt Romney chaired the Salt Lake City Olympics Committee they refurbished the monument to the victims, only to expose another part of the lie. The Mormons had always maintained that they had only murdered the men, while the Indians had murdered the women and children. But female skulls were uncovered with bullet holes in them, just like the male skulls.

At 4:07 PM, Blogger cybermome said...

The most I know about Mormonism is from Angels in America... I bought the DVD for my 17 year old daughter last year...And I have to admit that the 2 of us watch it over and over And not just because of the beautiful words and great story but we love to look at Patrick Wilson who plays the gay mormon..God he's gorgeous.

I have written about this before ...but I got down sized from a Bain owned co in June...Romney was the
"pretty face" for the sleezy business practices that Bain practices.


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