
The Roger & Nydia Stone Family
Earlier today a blogger friend from upstate New York was telling me about someone he said was the sickest, meanest Republican north of the Beltway. It was about some Rove-inspired dirty trick he had played on a congressional candidate last year. A few hours later I got an e-mail entitled "Speaking of the Devil." It was a link to a NY Times story about Eliot Spitzer's 83-year old father, Bernard, being threatened by an obviously deranged Republican consultant-- the same vicious GOP operative he had been telling me about, Roger Stone.
The Times includes an mp3 so you can hear the actual call from Stone to the governor's dad. The Times also includes a warning: "Includes Strong Language." But don't worry, if you're a regular DWT reader, you've heard worse. Give it a listen. Stone, being a Republican, denies it all. The Times describes him, generously, as "a seasoned practitioner of hard-edged politics who has worked for Presidents Richard M. Nixon and Ronald Reagan and for George W. Bush in the 2000 recount battle, adamantly denied the allegation in an interview, calling it “the ultimate dirty trick.” He asserted that allies of Governor Spitzer may have gained access to his home phone to make the threatening call."
Stone, perhaps projecting standard GOP operating procedures onto Spitzer, says his apartment may have been busted into so the call could be made from there. "He said his apartment building on Central Park South is owned by H. Dale Hemmerdinger, a fund-raiser for Mr. Spitzer who is the governor’s nominee to be chairman of the Metropolitan Transportation Authority, and suggested that allies of the governor might have given access to his apartment to someone who made the threatening call."
Mr. Stone said: “They have unfettered access to my apartment. I am on television constantly. As Gore Vidal said, never pass up the chance to have sex or be on television. Putting together a voice tape that sounds like me wouldn’t be hard to do.”
Mr. Stone said he could not remember where he was on the date of the purported call and had no specific evidence that his apartment had been entered without authorization. But he said he believed that things have been missing from his apartment recently.
As soon as I saw that repulsive picture of Stone and Nydia I grabbed it off google. It just looked so gross and so much like the kind of people who would make anonymous threats to an 83 year old. Well, a friend of mine put the picture in context by sending me an old clipping from the Associated Press. The picture is from a far earlier, but no less icky scandal.
According to the New York tabloids, the Stone family thinks a family that goes to sex clubs together stays together. As with the latest accusations, Stone denied everything... of course. "The tabloids claim that Mr. Stone and his wife, Nydia, placed messages on an X-rated Internet site and ads in sex magazines seeking male and female partners. They said photographs of a shirtless Stone and his wife in a sexy black lingerie also appeared in one magazine... The Post quoted Mr. Stone as conceding that the bills for the postings on the Internet site were paid for with his credit card. He told the newspaper the post office box number listed on the Internet site belonged to him, but had been improperly obtained." Now doesn't that sound familiar!
Actually the NY State Senate Leader, Joseph Bruno, fired Stone, as "a distraction." He was distracting people away from Bruno's idiotic and slanderous agenda of attacking Gov. Spitzer and making them focus of what the Republican Party is.
Labels: New York, Roger Stone, Spitzer
may I just say again, thank you for all you do, including this DWT post. I read DWT. Always.
I remember this guy. During the '96 campaign he was in the forefront for the GOP in charge of "family values" issues. Unfortunately for him, a series of ads placed in a beltway alternative newspaper soliciting military personal bodybuilder-types to have sex with his wife while he watched were traced to checks baring his signature. He denied it much the same way and then quickly disappeared.
Yes, many people remember him. Take a look at the third paragraph from the bottom and you'll understand why.
just wanted you to know that I saw your update pronto. Nice!
but, my U email has been sucking big time, so I couldn't, and still can not email you to tell you that.
Speaking as a friend of a friend of a friend, ;)
Hey, Howie - looks like McNerney lied to your face: an interview yesterday, McNerney made clear his views have shifted since returning from Iraq. He said Democrats should be willing to negotiate with the generals in Iraq over just how much more time they might need. And, he said, Democrats should move beyond their confrontational approach, away from tough-minded, partisan withdrawal resolutions, to be more conciliatory with Republicans who might also be looking for a way out of the war.
"We should sit down with Republicans, see what would be acceptable to them to end the war and present it to the president, start negotiating from the beginning," he said, adding, "I don't know what the [Democratic] leadership is thinking. Sometimes they've done things that are beyond me."
Is he a lying sack of shit, or just fucking clueless?
In any case, I'm done with him.
That picture is truly awful. Can you imagine those people as neighbors? Yuck!
I wrote earlier that I'm done with McCherney. I urge ActBlue to get him off the site.
Sorry about misspelling McNerney's name. Must have been a Freudian slip. I donated several times to his last campaign and those were my last donations.
Stone's firm -Black Manafort & Stone-was the brainchild behind Jesse Helms' 1990 campaign strategy of using racial wedge issues against Harvey Gantt
That campaign featured the famous ad showing a pair of hands crumpling a job applicant’s rejection letter with a voice over stating: “you wanted and needed that job but you did not get it because they had to give the job to a minority.”
Stone is a sleazy piece of shit and everything about him is rotten to the core. He is a pimp prostituting voters’ most sickened racial prejudices.
At 11:09 PM, DownWithTyranny said...
Yes, many people remember him. Take a look at the third paragraph from the bottom and you'll understand why.
I'd read the quoted piece elsewhere, recently, but didn't remember where it was from. Now I know, thanks. I'll forward it where aplicicable.
FWIW, I'll add my 2-pence to the pot. For all his tough talk this Stone guy is the subbie, the submissive, in that relationship as he was the one wearing the collar and since he was the one watching his wife getting done by others, my guess is that he's into humiliation, big time. Why else would he go and scene at a tourist trap like the Vault? Hellsfire club, around the corner off of 14th was a way more quiet less touristy place for NYC's shall we say, 'upstanding', citizens. (Ah! NYC before Rudy Mussolini screwed up the NYPD was a fun place. I used to love the Midnight shift and romp with the guys from the PMD, Public Morals Division- Now called Vice again. WHAT an education...) Oh now where was I? Oh yeah: Dommes NEVER wear collars. Ever. Ergo, Wifey seems to have been the real brains of the outfit.
I wonder what his friends in the misogyny party will think of that factoid?
I have pictures of ms Stone having sex at one of their infamous swinging parties in DC...! far from the stories of them not being swingers and it being faked. I attended several fuck parties with Roger and his wife.
Email me at
YOU SHOULD bump this post and make it fresh..............stone is one of trump's inner circle.
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