Friday, June 15, 2007

For once, even the damn liberal media can't deny Wee Paulie Wolfshit the . . . er, credit he's due


The Right often complains that the liberal media fail to report good news--concerning, of course, the people/places/things about which they like to pretend there's good news to report. So let the record show that the Washington Post's Al Kamen, who didn't exactly cheerlead Paulie Wolfshit on through his trials and travails at the World Bank, reports in today's "In the Loop" column, under the head "The Writing's on the Wall":
[I]t is most emphatically not true that all [World Bank] staffers were opposed to [ousted head cheese Paul Wolfowitz]. Anyone who thinks they were should simply read the writing on the stalls: specifically, the three stalls in the women's restroom next door to the staff association headquarters and near the elevators going up to his office.

Someone this week scrawled this message in marker on three stall doors: "God Bless Mr. Wolfowitz."

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At 10:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It was probably his girlfriend.

At 12:12 PM, Blogger maryt/theteach said...

That's real funny!!


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