
It's great when a really radical right wingnut loses a race in a deep red district. More often than not, though, the Democrats who represent solidly Republican areas are barely Democrats themselves. Some vote as often with Republicans as they do with Democrats on substantive issues. I'm sure Jim Marshall and Gene Taylor-- who at least voted for Nancy Pelosi as Speaker-- are far better than the Republicans they beat. Currently there is not a single Republican representing a safe Democratic seat. There are, however, 8 Democrats representing safe (not "leaning," but SAFE) Republican seats, including Chris Carney and Tim Holden in Pennsylvania, Jim Marshall in Georgia, Gene Taylor in Mississippi, Nick Lampson and Chet Edwards in Texas, Rick Boucher in Virginia, and Jim Matheson in Utah. Carney, Boucher and Lampson have moderate voting records. The others have reactionary voting records that damage the Democratic Party brand and often force progressives to compromise with corporate special interests in ways that hurt American workers and consumers.
So it was with some skepticism that I read today that Chuck Schumer has been urging Oklahoma State Senator Andrew Rice to run against Oklahoma extremist wingnut James Inhofe, one of the crazier kooks in the GOP Senate caucus. I mean rumors that Schumer-- who, you will remember, shoved now-Senator Bob Casey down progressive Pennsylvanians' throats and sabotaged Paul Hackett's primary campaign in Ohio-- has been urging Texas politicians to take on Cornyn indicate he is telling moderate, pro-choice candidates to move to the right and run as anti-choicers. [UPDATE: The DSCC adamantly denies the rumor that Schumer-- or anyone else connected to them-- has urged anyone to run for the senate seat as an anti-choice candidate. Whew.]
According to the Tulsa World Rice met with Schumer in Dallas and told the DSCC Chair he was open to the run. Rice is just 34 years old and in his first term as a state senator. I decided to see if he is another reactionary Democrat like Oklahoma's Dan Boren. Wow! Is he ever not! Rice is a real populist with plenty of progressive ideas about how government should serve people. Rice seems strong on the important issues and his approach to government starts with being on the side of the people, not the Big Money interests. He was a founder of the Progressive Alliance Foundation, a public advocacy group seeking to advance progressive, fair-minded and constitutional values in Oklahoma. One way he keeps in tune with real people is as a Daily Kos blogger. Oklahoma progressives are clamoring for him to take on Inhofe and Blue Oklahoma is in the forefront urging people to sign the petition to get Andrew to take on one of the most reactionary politicians in America. The Draft Rice Petition is worth signing at the RunAndrewRun site.
Oklahoma isn't all kooks like Inhofe and Coburn or even Boren. There's powerful populist sentiment just below the lunatic fringe and authoritarian corporate surface, a tradition long represented by the music of Woody Guthrie. Andrew's bio goes right to the heart and soul of that great tradition. I'm betting he'd make one of America's greatest senators, not just a better option than the malevolent Inhofe.
Few think the Republicans' ability to obstruct the work of the Senate will survive next year's election. But if Jim Inhofe-- in Oklahoma-- is really in trouble, the GOP is in a lot more trouble than anyone thinks. And yet Professor Keith Gaddie, the most respected political consultant in the state, says there just may be something to the political demise of Inhofe and the rise of Andrew.
Labels: Andrew Rice, Inhofe, Oklahoma
I live in Tulsa. I just called Senator Rice's office and offered my services in his campaign. His office staff member did not dispute it when I said I wanted to help in his run against Inhofe - of course she didn't confirm it either. Thanks for the tip - hope it's true!
Inhofe was SOOOOOOO true to his dishonest and delusional form the other day at a Tulsa fundraiser:
Inhofe, speaking to the press before Cheney's arrival, lambasted Democrats for Thursday's Senate vote to begin withdrawal from Iraq by Oct. 1 and the press for "mischaracterizing" the reasons for U.S. involvement.
"The whole idea of weapons of mass destruction was never the issue, yet they keep trying to bring this up," Inhofe said.
When asked why Gen. Colin Powell, then U.S. secretary of state, told the United Nations in 2003 that such weapons posed an imminent danger, Inhofe replied: "I can't answer that. In fact, I've never been one of the real strong fans of General Powell."
Pressed for an explanation, Inhofe said weapons of mass destruction were "incidental" to the decision to invade Iraq.
"The media made that the issue because they knew Saddam Hussein had used weapons of mass destruction. So we knew that they were there. But that was incidental to the fact we were going after terrorist camps."
Tulsa World link
'twould be nice if someone could convince the people of Oklahoma that they deserve something better than that putz.
... and of course the Tulsa World "reporter" just played stenographer in parroting all the lies.
I'm confused about this whole "Democrats representing 'safe' Republican seats."
If they're safe Repub seats, then why are there Dems there.
Could you explain this? I think I'm just missing something.
I went to a Dem luncheon where Rice was the Guest speaker. Impressive, charismatic and very nimble mentally. He smiles easily and often, and made it very clear his position against the heinous anti-choice legislation headed for the Governor. He is recommended by me.
Inhofe reminds one of those Fox News commentators--anything goes.
I just discovered Rice in the past couple of months, but I'm very excited about him. I saw him recommended on myspace as "the only candidate with hipster cred" (followed by a photo of him with Wayne Coyne of the Flaming Lips). Clearly that doesn't make a good politician, but it was unusual and intriguing, so I looked him up. I especially love the "about me" page that shows not just abstract statements of values, but actual verifiable actions and achievements. THAT is something I can believe in.
Please join us at
Young Professionals for Andrew Rice
by YP Event Host Committee
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Ogle & Welch, P.C.
117 Park Ave, 3rd Floor
Oklahoma City, OK 73102
Featuring special guests
Wayne & Michelle Coyne
Do you realize what a difference it could mean to our state to have Andrew Rice as our U.S. Senator?
Rice, currently a state Senator from Oklahoma City, is the only declared opponent of U.S. Sen. Jim Inhofe. Inhofe has been in Oklahoma politics since before some of us were born. He prides himself on being an obstacle to change, and it’s time he retired.
Jim Inhofe is stuck in the past. Andrew Rice is Oklahoma’s future. Please join us and show your support for this critical campaign.
To learn more about Andrew’s campaign, please visit
Aaron and Laura Bailey
Lou Barlow
Cody and Kelly Barnett
Mike and Page Bass
Leslie Blair
Phillip Bohanon
Scott and Jennifer Booker
Dave and Jenny Chansolme
Phillip and Maggie Clayton
Wayne and Michelle Coyne
Joe and Lori Hodges
Graham Colton and Betsy Hoehn
Representative Joe Dorman
Charlie and Laurie Givens
Christian and Amy Guzzy
Joe Hartman
Representative Ryan and Allison Kiesel
Mark Mann
Sean and Leslie Mossman
Richard Ogden
Kirk and Angie Olson
Kent Potter
Corporation Commissioner Jim Roth
Jennifer and Greg Seal
Todd Townsend
Kristen Walters
Josh and Jennifer Welch
Can't attend? You can still help!
I also live in Tulsa. Moved here a few years ago from NY. In fact, born, raised, and lived my entire life just outside New York City.
So, how did that voting go for you?
I bet if we didn't chase out over a half million illegal immigrants and assorted other law-breakers in the last year, the libs may have won a county or two.
If you don't count the illegals still left, Oklahoma has 60% registered DEMOCRATS! And the Republicans are fading fast. Yet the Libs lost EVERY county!
77 counties up, 77 counties LOST
The OK Governor is a Democrat!
The Oklahoma City Mayor is a Democrat!
The Tulsa Mayor is a Democrat!
And you couldn't get that clown Rice elected???
At least he won 4 counties. Out of 77 tries.
I need to buy another gun,
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