Friday, May 04, 2007

About the Republican presidential debate: No, of course I didn't watch (Come on, would you buy a used signing statement from one of these lugs?)


When I spoke to Howie last night, he seemed surprised that I hadn't watched any of the Republican presidential candidates' debate. My position is: I won't watch 'em once they're in office; why should I watch now while they're still clawing and scratching for the chance to run for the job?

I suppose you could argue that it might be vaguely comical in the manner of the early rounds of American Idol, where only the early rounds have any entertainment value. But really, I don't look to a presidential race for entertainment or amusement.

I heard on the radio this morning that all the lugs but Rudy Giuliani positioned themselves as standing gleefully by waiting for Roe v. Wade to be overturned. Do we need to know anything else about them? There are no doubt sheaves of other issues where somebody other than the appalling Rudy is the "everyone but" candidate. The mere thought of any of these creeps getting into the White House any way but via the public tour is bone-chilling.

I guess you could argue that some of them might represent some theoretical improvement over the incumbent. That's small consolation even if it's true, and I'm not sure it is. Anyway, eight years of Chimpy the Prez plus four years of [any of the above] adds up to more than I care to contemplate at present.

Nevertheless, the comments section is officially open to those of you who did your civic duty last night and, you know, tuned in.

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At 9:26 AM, Blogger Jimmy the Saint said...

I say .. any poll where you can vote for any of the candidates ... vote for Ron Paul ... not because he's done anything great ... but just because it would give the fundies a heart attack .. and that is worth it .. just for entertainment value itself

At 9:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I watched. It was headache inducing. The expected genuflecting to Saint Ronnie didn't give me the sense that any of those middle-to-senior aged white men really meant they intended to follow His path.

I think the scariest was Mitt. He's so smooth and empty, could be very appealing to the low-information millions who know nothing of his actual record. There's something about his deep-set eyes and jaw line that make me think of Jack Kirby cosmic super villians from Marvel circa 1962.

(from ruby tuesday)

At 10:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hunter is a possible Future Frog Walker....

At 10:57 AM, Blogger KenInNY said...

A "possible" Future Frog Walker, Bil? I'm assuming Hunter is only running on the assumption that he can't be indicted while he is because (he will whine) that would be "too political."

It could take awhile, but our Duncan has a pretty sure date with Destiny--and their cellmate Tiny.


At 5:27 AM, Blogger Psychomikeo said...

ronald reagan, we love ronald reagan, ronald reagan was god,we all have had sex with ronald reagan, We all had ronald reagan's love child, ronald reagan,ronald reagan,ronald reagan,ronald reagan, Did we forget to mention ronald reagan?

At 1:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

RON PAUL won the debate poll...


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