Sunday, April 22, 2007



Someone sent me this nice video today. I was really touched. I hope you enjoy watching it:

The band is Where's Moo and they live right in my neighborhood! Darren Vierday did the video.



At 10:07 AM, Blogger Darren said...

The members of Where's Moo are dear friends that moved from Orlando about four years ago, to seek fame and fortune as a band out in your neighborhood. So far, they're not doing too bad. they have a new album, and play at many venues around L.A., of which this sheltered Floridian cannot remember. You can find out more past my hazy recollections on their Website.
My friend Michael, the lead singer, just came out for a visit and we had a great time catching up. Thanks for posting this vid again, Howie. It's not only a nice little lift going into final exam week, but a reminder that after exams it will be good to be more of a contributor than a spectator.


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