
Yesterday I woke up and switched on CNN and soon heard the excruciatingly grating voice of that whiny, defensive wimp who lives in the White House, winking and nodding at NeoConfederates about how President's Day is still Washington's Birthday to him. Isn't that sweet... that a so-called president is either so stupid or so sectarian as to insult the memory of America's most beloved president by pandering to his own KKK dead-ender supporters about President's Day. I remember how disappointing it was when I was in elementary school to find out about how we'd no longer get Feb. 12 (Lincoln's birthday) and Feb. 22 (Washington's birthday) off but that they'd be combined into a celebration of both presidents' birthdays. Leave to Bush to politicize this on TV with a creepy leer to the hateful 20-odd percent of Americans who can still stand him.
But thinking about our first president, and the nearly miraculous accomplishment he and our other Founding Fathers achieved, made me realize how important it is for voters to try harder to choose educated and intelligent leaders instead of self-satisfied dolts and learning-disabled imbeciles like Bush. It isn't likely that Bush could ever imagine that there is a legitimate analogy to be made with the struggle of what he calls "the terrorists" in Iraq with the struggles of the North American colonists in the eighteenth century attempting to evict a foreign military from their homeland.
Reading today's newspapers-- and most days'-- it is very possible to see an heroic struggle for freedom and independence a society is fighting against an alien invader. The alien invader? Us. Can you blame Iraq for wanting us out? Think about it. Would you like hundreds of thousands of cocky young soldiers-- some even criminals dragged into the military-- from an entirely different culture-- unable and mostly unwilling to understand our own or speak our language, or, in many cases, to even consider us human-- running around in our cities-- and accompanied, in some cases by vicious, murderous and malevolent mercenaries with no accountability structure whatsoever? The American colonists didn't like it and were willing to risk their lives to end it. I would do the same today. And so are the Iraqis.
It's what happens in all colonial wars. It's what happened in Vietnam. It's why the U.S. will be ignominiously defeated in Iraq. It's why we shouldn't elect incompetent morons to the presidency. There are Iraqis who will fight to the death to regain freedom-- freedom from foreign occupiers and their puppet collaborators-- and the U.S. with withdraw. When the mass media chastised Barack Obama for pointing out that our young men and women killed there had died in vain, they were merely pushing the nationalistic, militaristic far right memes that help keep Bush Regime monstrosities in power. Much of the coporate media reflexively assumes this goal. Today's Wall Street Journal warns Democrats (and Republicans awakening to the catastrophe Bush has brought down on our heads) not to "embrace defeat." Who did you root for in Star Wars? World War II? V FOR VENDETTA?
Labels: Iraq War, venality of Bush
great post. this mindless simpleton cant even get the history of the american revolution right. did any one tell this fool about the french blockade at yorktown? or americans being forced to billet british troops in their homes? or the suspension of colonial laws usurped by british martial law? or how the iraqi insurgents have lost every battle in iraq yet survive and get stronger everyday?
Bush has now compared himself to Churchill, Lincoln,Truman and George Washington. I am sure I missed a few. None of them seem to stick.
Maybe he ought to compare himself with Napoleon. That might work.
We should probably never have invaded iraq. Notice I use the word probably.
But your analysis reminds me of a quote by John Searle.
"Conservatives are so stupid, but liberals are evil".
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