Tuesday, December 12, 2006

It appears that our Sean H had a busy time in Iraq--not just soft-toss "interviewing" our Rummy, but spewing lies and hate to our troops


By reader "timcanhear"

[Our friend timcanhear added this comment to last night's post about Dennis Kucinich running for president. It's important, and no one else seems to be reporting anything about Sean Hannity's visit to Iraq except that he was the sole "journalist" accompanying Defense Secretary Rumsfeld on his farewell visit, and that our Sean served as ventriloquist's-dummy interviewer to puppet-master interviewee Rummy.]

This post has nothing to do with this story. But it's important.

Tonight, I'm flipping through the television channels between the Bears football game when I catch sean hannity doing interviews in Iraq with our soldiers.

As he continued to divide America as he's so famously good at, he prodded over and over again for a response on John Kerry and what he had said about soldiers (even though we all know it was a joke gone awry), how liberals have politicized their existence in Iraq and thus causing us to lose, etc.

As this blog site is in the hands of capable people who get noticed, this is a story that can't get lost.

For hannity to pretend that anything he said in Iraq is true, and for the people of America to allow it to happen, especially in the face of soldiers who are putting their lives on the line, is close to treason.

The Dixie Chicks were chastised and beaten to a pulp by hannity and the rest of the neocon media for making truthful statements about Bush while on foreign soil. hannity's hypocrisy and treasonous act of going to our soldiers while on duty in Iraq and suggesting that any American senator is against the troops (which NONE are, dem or rep) and because of it, causing us to lose, should be answered with COMPLETE PUBLIC RIDICULE and then perhaps, a prison term for treason. Please, friends, lets not let sean hannity off the hook on this one. He deserves tenfold the humiliation of Jane Fonda.

He told complete lies to our soldiers. He is an agent of a right-wing media corporation, out to divide America for profit ratings and for a totally misguided and unwanted future for America. sean hannity has the right to speak to our soldiers, but he has NO RIGHT to propagate lies in front of them and the viewing public.

Editorial note: I started by automatically capitalizing all of the references to "Sean Hannity"--old editor's habit--but decided that no, the writer should be allowed his preference in the matter.

Note to Tim: Thanks for the post, of course, and thanks too for persisting in identifying yourself as the author, and raising the question of the Blogger software's repeated screw-up of this sort. That software is infinitely mysterious to me. With regard to posting comments, I know that sometimes when I do, and am sure that I've typed in the "type these letters" letters correctly, they still don't register with the system. So it appears that sometimes stuff just "doesn't register." Maybe Howie will be able to find out more.


If you folks aren't part of this site, then to my mind it doesn't have much reason for existing. I've been thinking that especially during this time while Howie is away, and we're in this strange post-election transitional period, it would be a good time to invite you to pitch in and let us know what's on your mind, and what you might like to see discussed. I just haven't quite figured out how to do it. In the meantime, you know your comments are always welcome. As you see, we do take them seriously.--Ken


At 6:32 AM, Blogger DownWithTyranny said...

Who paid for Hannity's trip to spread lies and propaganda to Americans troops in Iraq? Did Murdoch and his far right company pay the bills? Or did the American taxpayers? Just wondering.

At 6:48 AM, Blogger KenInNY said...

Hmm. Interesting question.

At 8:38 AM, Blogger MR said...

Great post, thanks. Don't know if you've seen these two short videos from Iraq yet or not, but both show the US Military engaging in some very dubious actions. I have them up on my site at www.minor-ripper.blogspot.com ..You have to wonder what these soldiers were thinking when videotaping this stuff...

At 8:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Randi Rhodes was spouting about this yesterday all day. She usually hits the military nail on the head.

Novam radio carries her from 3-6 daily.

At 1:17 PM, Blogger Timcanhear said...

Ken, sean hannity's name doesn't deserve proper 'capitalization' and I'm thankful you didn't change it.
This guy is a complete sissy and must be publicly castized for the lies he told the soldiers in Iraq AND for continuing to propagate the same lies on his Godforsaken radio show today.
I urge everyone to write to your newspaper about this absurd propaganda trip to Iraq, most likely, on our dime.


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