
Yesterday Rob Kall, publisher of OpEdNews took an interesting look at impeachment and came up with a novel conclusion. Perhaps Pelosi and Conyers have something even better in store for Bush than a long drawn out, politically inconclusive impeachment hearing and trial. Kall, like anyone who admires and respects the values behind our nation, wants to see Bush and his henchmen rotting in prison cells as fast as possible. By taking impeachment "off the table," he thinks "Pelosi and Conyers are doing things exactly right and they have a better chance of my goal-- removal of Bush and Cheney from office-- than if they were going the impeachment route."
Americans, and friends of America all over the world, are looking towards Democratic committee chairmen, particularly Conyers and Henry Waxman, to start the investigations next month-- and to go wherever the investigations happen to lead. "They will be using prosecutors on their investigative teams. One of the most effective ways prosecutors work is to interrogate and 'nail' smaller, lower level perpetrators who then 'roll over' to inform on higher ups. This is what will be happening all over Washington. The sweet thing about congressional hearings is that there are no lawyer-client confidentiality priveleges. Yep. The lawyers have to squeal like stuck pigs or face contempt of congress charges-- which they are not very likely to do. The rolling over will quickly reach the upper echelons of power. The evidence and testimony will build."
Kall predicts this will lead directly to Cheney and he predicts that Cheney will resign, ala Spiro Agnew, rather than face the serious criminal charges he so richly deserves. Kall also predicts that Waxman and Conyers will be saving the most damning evidence for what comes post-Cheney: Bush and the Republican congressmen and senators who conspired with him against the U.S. Constitution.
At this point, the Republicans, about fifteen or sixteen of those in the senate, particularly ones up for re-election in 2008, will take a walk-- not a phone call, not e-mail-- a walk, to the oval office. They will inform the president that he must resign to save the Republican party from implosive destruction. They will tell him that to save the Republican party they are willing to join with the Democrats to impeach him out of office. They will instruct him to do the right thing for the country and save it the trauma, mostly at the expense of the Republicans, of a horrible impeachment, which is inevitable, since the most revelations about testimony and evidence on Bush has brought his ratings down to less than 20% approval rating.
Bush will, in his attempt to negotiate, ask for either no criminal sentence or a minimal one. The Dems should not let him off scott free. Bush should do time in jail and he should be fined Billions. That's right. Billions. Not only that, he should be banned from profitting from his presidency and includes making any speeches or consulting as a lobbyist. Send him to his ranch to clear brush.
I don't know how realistic this scenario actually is. It certainly sounds good to me and, more important, it sounds plausible as well. Waxman and Conyers have had years to prepare and these guys are a lot smarter than Bush, Cheney and Rove.
(Photo courtesy of BartCop.)
It sounds good to me too, and plausible, and it has an umistakable ring of "rightness" to it. It really isn't an issue of revenge, it seems to me, to insist on the principle of accountability--that actions have consequences, and we're RESPONSIBLE for the consequences of our actions.
This is a good start to the discussion. I curious though about the real schizm this will cause for the republicans. Think about it, they will be setting in motion a process that will make Pelosi President. The irony of that is worth savoring for a moment.
Now on to the problem. Cheney should be easy to oust. Bush however, being Gods chosen, will not resign. He would rather let the party self destruct anyway. Bush has always intended to tuck himself away at Crawford. I think he expected to run the executive from there but thats another one of my psycho conspiracies. I digress. Bush does now and has always only cared for Bush.(sorry about that)
At the same time we also have a very polorized government. We also have a dishonest opposition in the republican party. The can see whats coming and they will pull out all the stops to prevent any of this from happening. Watch for dirty tricks and embarrassing revelations, parlimentary proceedures designed to stall and an all out media campaign to distract the public from whats going on. They'll have plenty of help since much of the media is still stuck in the same right wing narrative. Even after the election they still seem to have the same right wing extremist on to tell us what it all means. Thats another issue that really needs to be adressed.
I've also read some nonsense about some kind of grand deal with Carter taking temporary control with some kind of Co-Vice-President of Pelosi and some unnamed republican. That makes my head hurt. Of course thats not going to happen. Whatever course this winds up taking it will have to follow the Constitution. The document means nothing if we don't adhere to it and we've had enough unconstitutional activities lately
Maybe this can be the last worthless president that we will have to endure.
Prosecute for high crimes and misdemeanors. Send a message. No more crooks.
I'm not sure it would play out like that - for one thing I am reasonably sure that W would rather take the entire Republican Party and indeed the whole country down in flames than resign and by doing that admit the error of invading Iraq. Hell, I'm not altogether conviced that should the country elect a democratic president in 08 he'd be willing to step aside even then.
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