
I hope you've already had an opportunity to see the great new Robert Greenwald film, IRAQ FOR SALE. Even if you think you know all about the Bush Regime's scandalous shenanigans in Iraq, you will be shocked by the revelations in the film. I sure was. I mean we all know that Cheney's old company, Halliburton, plies GOP officials with bribes in return for billions of dollars in contracts. OK, they rip off the taxpayers and subvert democracy. But did you know that their activities have also led to the deaths and severe illnesses of not just Iraqi men, women and children, but of our own fighting men and women? And there are other villains in the film every bit as odious and contemptible as Halliburton.
Have you ever heard of Blackwater and it's trashy owner, Erik Prince? Blackwater is a vicious private militia-- mercenaries-- loathed by military professionals and spreading, by it's actions, hatred for America wherever it deploys. I may have mentioned that one of my neighbors, a very idealistic guy, is the head of a crucial project in Iraq. He goes there frequently-- at government expense, of course. He is always clear that he will never agree to being guarded by Blackwater and that having Blackwater mercenaries around is a deal breaker. He has told me countless horror stories about how disastrous this Republican militia has been in Iraq, turning friends into enemies by its needless, over-the-top brutality and racism.
Prince is an obsessed homophobe, mentally unbalanced and a dangerous fascist. None of that is illegal. But what about war profiteering? I know if won't happen while Bush and his rubber stamp Congress are still in power, but once the Democrats take back the government, I'll be looking forward to the Erik Princes of the world to learn about American justice. Here's a little film that will show you a bit about this character.
You say Prince is a homophobe, a facist? Is it because he steps up, deploys at a cost ten times less what the same deployment to oconus costs our own government? Weather you like it or not, we live in a capitolist society afforded to us by the blood of our forefathers, grandfathers, uncles, dads and brothers. It is the blanket of freedom that you are granted which allows you to espouse this rubbish and schoolyard name calling. Prince has served, he understands the business of war, yes business, and he brings it in at a price without subterfuge from friendlys and non-friendlys, that is called plausible deniability. PD is another operational tactic that one must use to counter act subversive acts with the same intensity, though without a soft target to point at. Before you point, you should listen, and learn, and stop name calling - its simply brings you down and distills you to the lowest commonality.
Hmm. I work at Blackwater, and I really must say I love my job, and I 100% agree with what the company does. maybe you should do more research before writing an article. I can't give any information, but blackwater is a wonderful place.
I wonder why Blackwater people were patrolling post-Katrina New Orleans with M16s and MP5s instead of first aid kits?
A flotilla of FLA sportsmen towed their air boats and john boats all the way to LA to rescue stranded, sick, starving and terrorized citizens, but they were not permitted to launch from heavily guarded Cajun boat ramps.
But BW mercs were paid beau coup dinero to hunt down survivors.
I guess FLA sportsmen didn't sufficiently grease the gears of the GOP....or, perhaps BushCo wanted to not only scatter a large DEM district to the four corners but, to kill the voters just to be sure...
^^^HAHAHAHAHA make sure you get your Tin Foil Hat while they last. Ohh NOeZ EEEEVi111 BUSHcO is gona kill all the cats 4 oil!!1! Got a nail in my tire this morning-Damn Bushita for sending Rove to plant that nail!!111!!one!!1! *rolls eyes* Idiots. I live in New Orleans champ. The reason BW was here was private businesses and individuals needed their property secured in the chaos that was downtown, the CBD and elsewhere. BW was paid to secure that property, and or individuals. They were also either paid to help secure parts of the city as a whole or they just volunteered. Either way, they helped put down roving gangs of ARMED criminals. I know several NOPD and JPPD cops who saw BW guys help fight groups of up to twenty guys armed with what you libs would call "assault rifles." Guess what, BW's job is not to administer first-aid. Why do those receptionists at the hospitals not help in the ER??? NOT THEIR JOB. You don't live here and you're a crazy conspiracy-theory toting moon bat leftist. Don't speak on what you know nothing about.
What a one-sided article/blog.. Just listening to the tone what the author is saying leads you to completely discredit their opinion.
There are facts, and then are things that YOU BELIEVE are the facts. It just makes me laugh when someone thinks they have all the information and then create strong arguments for a baseless case. I don't have all the facts, and neither do you. So posting trash like this is useless.
The truth probably lies somewhere in the middle-private is always more effective than public- Fedex v. Post Office
Unfortunately, all the guns and specialized training can't undo thousand of years of a culture.
In the 90's, the East Coast SEAL Teams at Little Creek, VA had to travel hours away to conduct training. After short pre-deployment work-ups that kept them away from their families, they then went on 6-month overseas deployments. Erik Prince tried to rectify this problem by building training facilities much closer to Little Creek. Like any good businessman he looked for opportunities to expand his business. Then 9/11 happened and created a huge demand for services from companies such as Blackwater.
I know Erik and met many of his family members briefly in the early 90's. He and his family are some of the nicest, well-mannered people I have ever met. He is motivated solely by love of country. Since when does a guy who sells his father's company for more than $1 billion need to profit from war? I guess he needed to be a multi-billionaire to remove that suspicion.
Private contactors have provided Bush inc. with political cover, allowing the government to deploy private forces in a war free zone of public scrutiny, with the deaths, injuries and crimes if those forces shrouded in secrecy. In turn our government have shielded the contractors from accountability, oversight and legal constraints. Prince has the world's largest private military base, with a fleet of more than 20 aircraft, including helicopter gunships and a private intelligence division, and it is manufacturing surveillence blimps and target systems. The company has applied for operating licenses in all U.S. coastal states. Blackwater is also expanding its physical presence inside U.S. borders, opening facilities in llinois and california. If we are to continue the use of contractors and subcontractors, we will need to re-establish control and oversight of these companies. Bringing contractors under the rule of law. When we bring in contractors whom the law doesn't apply to, the Geneva conventions, common notions of morality, that's when the "mock" is put into democracy. And that means these private contractors are really an arm of the administration and its policies.
I believe in the men and women of our armed services. In fact I know some of them well. I know not these people of this shadow army....what do they vow to protect and serve? (Besides self interests)
Semper fi
i feel their is two sides to every story told . so i'am neither going to be one sided on this because if blackwater is about what it says its about than thats great
i happend to catch a radio station today and they were interviewing a guy that wrote a book on Blackwater the guy goes by the name of Jeremy Scahill he was someone who has done his research extensively and u could tell that he knew what he was talking about the whole time .He did not Bash Blackwater but he did piont out that after the devastation of Katrina blackwater people were down their "Heavily armed " to stop "roiting" and "looting "
These people also make 350dollars a Day and are making 6 figures a year while while your common run of the mill solider is just making about 30 grand a year i would say that is a descrepancy to the above comments ^ Jeremy went on to piont out also These blackwater soliders
had taken over command a armed solider who did not have someone their to give him the orders to Fire upon Innocent people ...Once again personally i dont know to much about Blackwater only from what i heard but Erik prince is definetly a major influence to Bush bush is opposed to gay marriage .i wouldnt say thats being homophobic just a conflict of interest .the problem with that is Bushes interest are more wrapped around religion than state ...all those who oppose homosexual marriage derive these beliefs from the bible
i think war profiteering is unethical and immoral for the simple reason that your dealing with lives and also we're fighting against a lost cause
people over in iraq these radical groups Are fighting their country they want their country to be a certain way and the iraq government is basically funding them and is trying to create for them a policy .These radical groups once their out on the streets away from governed Eyes they take things into their own hands by policing (for lack of better term) their cities . thats where the conflict is you got to different worlds colliding .
Also lets not forget that the CIA Has funded Al quaeda Ever since the afghan war in 1970 ..Not everones sheets are clean including the ones who can afford expensive sheets
The problem with private armies is that they are accountable to no one but investors. They do not represent the public; they only represent wealthy investors. Those who praise Blackwater--are probably doing so from the comforts of an expensive PR firm in NYC. You're not fooling anybody. Bluntly put--mercenaries are not welcome. They should never be part of a viable democratic nation. Rather, they are the tools of would be fascists. If I saw any Blackwater troops in St. Louis--I would be filing charges against them as 'unlicensed militias.' Neo-nazi 'brownshirts' are still neo-nazis. Erik Prince should be prosecuted as a 'warlord' operating in the states--like any other punk gangsta. The fact that our government purchases 'services rendered,' does not make his company any less unethical and evil. Do not compare these mercenary fascists with those who serve their country honorably. They are an insult to all the values we hold dear.
Wow. This is all very interesting. However, I do not think there are many people who are in a position to say anything about Blackwater, Erik Prince, Or President Bush. Have you been in Iraq, or met with the President, or sat in on a Blackwater strategy conference(thing)? I am pretty sure you haven't. When someone can prove to me that Erik Prince's motives are self-centered, illegal, and immoral, then I will support your opinion. In the mean time, stick to writing about the local grocery store.
To the previous Anon commenter...
With regard to Prince, Bush and the rest of the Repugnikan Junta, I'll quote a person Herr Prince claims to believe in but obviously never read his words and took them to heart.
"By their fruits ye shall know them"
You don't need to sit on Blackwater strategy meetings to know they are but the latest incarnation of that most hated of military types... the mercenary. What is in their hearts is evidenced by their actions and their outcomes.
To anyone tempted to respond that Blackwater is a wonderful place, I really couldn't care less how much you kiss ass at your place of employment. Try coming up with a rebuttal with even a modicum of originality next time. Your brain cells will thank you for giving them the exercise.
The point you are missing due to your selfish little worldview is that Iraq is not a wonderful place, the invasion of that country was illegal, the continued occupation is not only illegal but an unmitigated disaster for the Iraqi people.
I don't suppose you redneck types will understand what having your country subjected to such a foreign occupation is really like until an increasingly powerful China decides that it wants something you happen to be sitting on. Then we'll hear you squeal, but it will be too late!
I use to think Liberals were blind deaf and dumb. They don't listen to anything nor do they research. However, some are actually more conservative and do check things out. Then there are also the dumb conservatives who focus one way and see nothing else. I have always been a Christian Conservative but in these past 8 years I can surely say, I am sickened with what I have seen of the Republican party and its hypocracy. I am sickened at men and woman who would destroy this country as they have done. EVIL, IT IS NOTHING BUT PURE EVILNESS
But here is what is scary...saying stupid things like Erik is homophobic has nothing to do with any of these issues and I seriously doubt he is anything close to a homophobic. Those are the words and focus of the mindless not understanding there are much more serious issues to focus on. What is scariest of all is being so filled with male Testostorin they are imbalanced by violence and rage and hate which is a daily part of their own lives because Peace is not the answer for people like this....when there is no inner spirit or Holy spirit guiding them, this is when they are truly dangerous people. I want to see the Christian explaination for being a Mercenary and violent killing and hate for a profit. Lay out the scripture for these acts and then first show your pictures and reports to the churches of what you all do for a living and let them be your judges. It is scary enough to see these comments knowing they could seek to hurt anyone that speaks out against them or to bring about a point to them or what the public thinks of their actions such as the deaths of these contractors and what they are doing to the families again in retailation this is dictatorship and they are promoting. Are you Christians or are you FASCISTS ?
Eriks sister thinks Michigan families make too much money working for a living so what does she think about your incomes ?
And is this way none of you are out there doing anything to close our American boarders and stopping the illegal immigrants from coming in and taking our jobs ? Or why you are doing nothing to stop the North American Union and superhighways ? Or why you would go and claim to be fighting for us in Iraq to come home to America for what ? A completely destroyed one world order of no middle class impoverished Americans ? Is this the country you are killing for ? Or is your loyalty somewhere else ?
Prince is not in prison for the same reason Bush and Cheney, Rice and Rumsfield are not in prison. For the same reason pastors of churches deny the truth about 911 being an inside job.
For the millions of campaign dollars from the De Vos Family and the support rally of James Dobson, Bauer, John Lind, Forbes and the Promise Keepers and Amway, fathers rights leaders, and pedophile groups and all the connecting dots
Make a spiritual map and you will see it all fit together like a tapestry of lies. When the day comes of the prosecution of Christians remember these are not your true Christians.......these are the counterfeits. Connect the dots, connect the money trail.....the demons will just pop out in front of your faces
This is surprising? Using mercenaries? What about the defense contractors outside of the US military desiging and building weapons, PRIVATELY? It's happened for years, decades, dare I suggest centuries?
I mean, ever hear of Colt? They make the M4A1 Carbine under contract for the military. Their SOPMOD program combines multiple companies ASKED to produce the toughest equipemnt available: all outside military channels of R&D.
Now, suddenly privatization of manpower is both surprising and 'wrong'?
Welcome to warfare. There is NO right part in murder, it's always bad, but everyone's dirty and the only difference is who pays best.
If you believe anything else, well then, I'll leave you to your delusions.
Blackwater is a dark operation in that it basically operates lawlessly and always under false pretenses about actual reality. As much as I would hate for a number of honest workers to lose their jobs, the reality is that blackwater does more harm than good. It's employees, despite perhaps having educational training about a region, in reality are completely out of touch with what they are doing or who they are dealing with and are therefore a threat wherever they go.
Blackwater could choose more noble causes, as there is an inexhaustible demand, however they choose the most economically profitable for them. They ignore the amount of damage they cause, which is both monetary and physical. It is unfortunate that a group of undereducated mercenaries are given the power to destroy anyone's lives besides their own. Godspeed to those at Blackwater, the future is truly bleak for individuals that leave behind a legacy of destruction, misunderstanding, and plain ignorance. Perhaps you would argue that's the people they're fighting against, but that would make you dumber than the Blackwater people if you actually believed that.
Money is the root of all evil. In this guys case he has a monopoly on both so does the Bush Billionaire club. A tragic day in American history has arrived ever since the Christian right got hijacked by money and evil. Faith based initiatives lead the way. Politics and religion equal war. History proves it.
the 7th seal has been opened!!!!!!!
Prince is just another part of the cancer spreading throughout our country. Like Bush, he's another piece of worthless, right-wing, christian scum that's feeding off the ignorance in our society. These nazi's and their so-called family values are completely counter to what this country was founded upon. The more fear they create, the more they profit. Unfortunately the American public is too busy praying and trying to buy their way into heaven to notice.
This is hilarious! I don't know how you left wing conspiracy nuts sleep at night...The enemy is all around you! I've been researching Blackwater and I think like every other situation in the world it is not black or white. I would hope that either current or ex soliders act in a civilized way (well as civilized as you can be with unknown potential terroists around). I believe in our military and I just have to believe that the problem is not the American soliders but all the others (the South African and Israli mercenaries). Everyone knows they are not as civilized as the USA!
The zealot General George Custer
led his cavalry into a valley called little big horn. he looked up and all around to the ridges and noticed more than 3000 Sioux Nation braves stare at him.
A few things.
Love of money is the root of all evil, not money as someone has posted.
as far as someone wanting a christian explanation for being a merc.--- "all things are pure to those who are pure"
"if guilty of one sin you are guilty of all"
so before you all go casting judgement, just remember you are letting your tax money go to build bombs that are tearing little children limb from limb. yet you tell yourself all kinds of creative lies so you wont hold yourself responsible like--i didnt vote for this president--or i dont agree with the decision to go to war---or im not the one killing anyone. just dont lie to yourself you self rightous people, that very piece of shrapnel in some childs head you payed for and you caused it
Wholly emblematic of neo-conism: noncompetitive bid apparatchik awardees, with resulting incompetence across the spectrum of the services. One Blackwater "security guard" makes 3 times what a military sergeant does AND the guard cannot perform all the missions as a military soldier, so why provide gold-plated contracts for less performance--and oversight:
Blackwater aircraft crashed in less than a month from inception of logistic air service in Afghanistan, killing 3 onboard US soldiers--Blackwater hired incompetent civilian aircrews, one pilot had failed four flight exams prior to being hired-- the other pilot knowingly flew into rising mountainous terrain.
Glaringly small security team slaughtered in Fallujah--lacked armored vehicles and forces, resulting media storm of Blackwater crews hanging from bridge forced the USMC to barrel into Fallujah under Operation Vigilant Resolve without adequate planning causing the eventual tactical withdrawal with more than 27 US KIA and an estimatd 600 Iraqi civilian deaths, setting the stage for the second battle of Fallujah--with even more deaths. Prior to the initial attack on Blackwater, Fallujah's Mayor was pro US---these cowboys along with their entire industry need to be sent packing, imagine all the stuff we don't know of how their actions against Iraqi civilians have set us back in Iraq
In summary, Blackwater is overpaid, overwhelmed and over there.
Thankfully, the circuit breaker for you nut jobs is going to pop pretty soon, you overpriced renta cops. Quality employees---obviously not the bright ones. Get over yourselves your boss gives Cheney a reach around and viola gets a no bid contract it's not because you dipshits are really that good... but hey, people with your mindset is actually self-correcting just hope your stupidity doesn't endanger the real warriors our troops.
I think its time that we Americans consider these nazis in our midst legitimate military targets; down to the last fascist who brought this reign of terror down upon the world. Blackwater is nothing more than a pricate Waffen SS, and you filthy right wing slugs are the scum that the scum of the earth wipes off the bottom of THEIR shoes. no wonder people beat the crap out of you in 4th grade, and if you get near me or any other sane American, you deserve every hard crack across your stinking useless chops. Its time to deal with you like the zoo exhibits you are.
Imagine the situation in Iraq has come home. Imagine a Chinese military occupation of the US and Chinese security mercenaries who kill on a whim. Imagine your government and the Chinese government provide no recourse for the murders of your family. What would you do?
I would find recourse.
Why don't I ever hear ANYONE talk about the "insurgents" who cut the heads off innocent people like truck drivers? Let the pro's do their jobs. Pay the bill, and shut up. Maybe if you see a video of your only son being murdered while screaming and begging for his life you'll see why these guys work the way they do.
Why does a country with by far and away the largest military budget in the world, need a private company to defend its own embassy staff?
OK, and tell me this. When a group of young male citizens here in the US physically attacks another group of citizens who are supporting some "leftist" cause (eg the constitution), and a number of those attackers turn out to be Blackwater employees, will the lights go on in your pointy little heads, or will you lift your bottles at the corner tap in a toast to those "real Americans" and throw a buck in the jukebox to hear some more Toby Keith bullshit?
That's what I was afraid of.
I'd definitely toast the "Real Americans". How dare you say lefties are the defender of the constitution. Lefties distort the Constitution AND are so paranoid about everything..Oh Oh big brother's watching your blogs! I'd rather be on the side of law and order any day than smoking the stuff you lefties do (or is it drinking the Koolaid?)
They use private militia's because they aren't bound by the geneva convention. Dick Cheney's thugs can murder and torture all they like without fear of international law.
Do you think they'd use private militias if they had any respect for the constitution?
This countries run by gangsters and you guys are gratefull. You think your all tough because your patriotic and rightwing but really your just letting a bunch of rich kids sodomise you and then you thank them. Weak....
Those who have read Robert Young Pelton’s book, “Licensed to Kill,” and who listened to Tuesday’s Congressional hearings on Blackwater might have some idea why the State Department uses private contractors. On the basis of experience gained in Iraq it may be determined that the military should be expanded and military personnel take over the guarding duties (but that takes time) or that the State Department should increase its in-house Diplomatic Personnel Security personnel (but that takes time) – or Blackwater’s fee’s, rules of engagement and the procedures to ensure its accountability should change. Any of the foregoing would be reasonable and constructive changes to advocate.
What is not reasonable or constructive is the invective and hatred from those of you on the left. You sound like frustrated 8-year olds. You fling insults, but not facts or useful ideas. On what basis exactly do you conclude Prince is a homophobe? I don’t know that he has ever made a public statement on the issue of gays or gay rights. How did you decide he was “unbalanced?” In the hearings he was articulate, informed, smart, concise and completely in charge of his words and mannerisms. I would say he was eminently balanced. On the other hand, the authors of the postings at 10:23, 5:04 and 2:19 are my idea of unbalanced. As for anyone being fascists or Nazis – my guess is the authors of the rants flinging those epithets know very little actual history and couldn’t actually tell us anything about either fascists or Nazis.
Note to 2:19: Considering the “fascists in our midst” legitimate military targets sounds more like a threat to murder than a useful idea. How do you propose to identify the “fascists?” And no, I wasn’t beaten in 4th grade. And other than making you sound like a deranged lunatic, or just generally angry, what exactly has your rant contributed to the discourse?
Note to 7:45: I image the Blackwater folks in New Orleans had big bad guns was because big bad people were doing a lot of shooting in the city.
Note to 10:57: Unlikely you work for Blackwater. People tend to hate to see themselves get fucked (unless we’re talking about sexual acts and I don’t think that’s what you mean.)
Note to 4:59: What on earth are you talking about? An ambush seems to be implied – but who are you suggesting is going to ambush whom? Is the suggestion that 3000 Al Qaeda terrorists are staring at Erik Prince, at George Bush? Or what?
Incidentally, all of you on the left, you would be much more persuasive if you spelled your words correctly.
Before you dismiss me as a red-neck, Christian filthy right wing slug, please note: I’m not Christian, I grew up in Southern California, did most of my career in New York, have a law degree and MBA, presently live in the San Francisco Bay, listen to classical music, like opera and ballet, read a couple of books a week and am bored by NASCAR. I guess “redneck” won’t work. Furthermore, I bathe daily and cannot be accurately categorized as filthy. So, how are you going to dismiss or vilify me?
I'll keep this simple so, Even you Republicans out there can Understand it.
The Bush Regime is in the process of DESTROYING Our Country.
I Hope the ignorant Christians who blindly listened to all of the anti abortion talk during the campaigns are happy, Now that over 3000 Heroic Young Americans are DEAD and Roe v Wade is still intact
There are NO Christians in this administration
I have a question for any Blackwater employees on this board, particularly any SEALS, what's Erik Prince's class number?
To the posting from 6:46, Exactly how is the Bush Administration destroying America? Do you really believe a democratic president would not destroy America? Maybe if President Clinton had treated terrorist acts against American interests more seriously we would not have had the 9/11 attack. Fighting terrorists has to consist of many different facets, one of which is the military and our intelligence agencies. I don't understand why you all think so poorly of the military and the Bush administrations efforts to fight terrorists on their own turf. Why do you all embrace terrorist organizations such as the PLO, Al Queda, the Taliban? It certainly seems as if many on the left admire these "insurgents".
As for the MBA/JD from San Fran, very well said.
For the record, I am a red state conservative and proud of it. My family has been represented in every war since the 1770's. For you History dunces, that would be the Revolutionary War era.
The only thing I question about myself is why do I check this blog every so often. Maybe I need some comic relief after chasing my adorable rugrats all day!
I too, work for Blackwater and It is not some cheap ass miltia group, They don't hire Military Crapouts, they hire People who know what they are doing,By saying its a shit company, your saying our own military forces are a horrid miltia of mercenaries.
Not to mention PMCs save thousands and probably millions of taxpayer dollars,and are used for something other than war.
Don't cry wolf at some shit, you just listen to the propaganda on the media, that you hear from people like Henry Waxman, Its just a bunch of bull. Figure out how this has helped us out, instead of screwing them over, because of a few things that couldn't be avoided.
It makes me sick that the US would dare to use mercenaries for murder under ANY circumstance. There is nothing worse than murder and torture in the name of god. The "right" is dead wrong now.
The Blackwater house of horrors does not require a costume - just guns. It is Halloween. Every time a child or innocent mother is killed, a thousand tortured deaths would not be enough in return! It makes me want to puke that BW gets the money to kill from unsuspecting, trusting, loving Americans via no bid contracts. PUKE ON Erik Prince and Blackwater, the crimes already committed are WAY beyond the prison level! If not guilty, prove it! If so, I hope the same demise comes to the King and all the king's men.
Regardless of opinions there is nothing wrong or illegal with being motivated or successful.
A Billionaire does not need to profit from war. Your one sided view does not portray Mr. Prince or Blackwater fairly. This is a complex situation that can not be simplified into classic leftist finger pointing.
This guy is born again Christian? Since when did Christ ask his followers to randomly kill women and kids to protect some government contractors? Did Christ tell his followers to look at homosexuals in disdain? I think the Christ he was born again too smells more of the devil. He's a wolf in sheep's clothing. Shame on all you Christians that support such men in this world.
A whole lot of ignorant people who have never doen anything but complain and rant about what others do....Why not enlist and go see what it is like as a soldier and then pass judgement?
Easy to Monday morning quarteback anything...in fact I have a pet monkey that can do that. There are plenty of countries to move to if you do not like this one. The fact is, people like this as well as our troops allow people like you to rant and complain without penalty...
It must be hell having to try and find something wrong with someone who helps protect our country, believes that there is a God, and is not afraid of what mainstream media and left wing banter and spin is thrown at him.
Pardon me for this comment, but Adolph Hitler loved his country abpve all else and started his own little ultra patriotic militia. Secret armed ultra extremist groups are NEVER a good idea no matter how "cost effective" they are.
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