Sunday, September 03, 2006



by Mags

The good news is, we have captured the #2 Al Qaeda man in Iraq. Yay!!!!

The bad news is that the #2 Al Qaeda man spoke to Americans this week to promote Islam [Americans converting to Islam, pshaw never heard of it].

Worse news: the #2’s do not match up. These are different guys.

**This week’s arrests and Al Qaeda announcements have been brought to you by Karl Rove's Department of Homeland Security and Public Relations Department of Fear Fear Fear All the Time and the number "#2".

The good news is George is still as fun loving as he ever was. Laughing and giggling and cracking jokes with reporters and staff.

The bad news is we have a president who gets a kick out of farting in front of new staff and making fun of those who cannot beat him in bicycle races. I don’t know about you, but I taught my kids long ago that actions like these were childish and immature.

But, wait there is more good news to go along with that. This explains a lot about Bush supporters. Turns out it was not our imagination, they do have a child-like understanding of politics. Which is sort of like bad news again. [Oh my god, will it ever end? Mags would like to point readers to Kenny's article below which expands on the theories of Bush popularity.]

The good news for Mr. Cheney is that his 1% doctrine seems to be catching on.

The bad news for the Veep is that it is working just as well for others as it did for him.
*Author’s note: Prosecute them to the full extent of the law. Same goes for Mr. Cheney.

The good news is that GOP influence and power is waning along with that of Mr. Rove.

The bad news is that they are going to be really really desperate and really really nasty. Expect more of the likes of what Rummy dished out. (The author knows that link goes to Keith Olbermann, but also believes one cannot get too much of a good thing. Expect to be called Nazis, Al Qaeda, or worse.


At 12:16 PM, Blogger DownWithTyranny said...

Sean-Paul Kelly has an interesting take on this Iraq news too.

At 12:39 PM, Blogger Timcanhear said...

good news - dems stand a chance to win congress

bad news - dems stand a chance to
blow it.

where are their voices just 8 weeks before the elections?

At 1:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Write the news outlets and let them know you want them to feature Democrats on their shows.

That is the only thing I can think of. The GOP owns the bully pulpits of America.


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