Sunday, August 06, 2006



What do you want first, the good news or the bad news?

The good news is:

Tom Kean (R) and Lee Hamilton (D) write a tell all book which supports the position of 9/11 theorists that the government lied to the commission.

The bad news?

They did not do their job at the time and get to the bottom of the attacks of 9/11 and the rest of the country was stuck with the Bush/Cheney evil cabal for another term.

The good news is:

Mel Gibson has been busted by the media for being an anti-Semite and Jew hater. And, just maybe he will not be able to afford to make any more blood and gore snuff flicks like The Passion of the Christ.

The bad news?

Bill O’Reilly takes the public and the media to task and calls them vampires for reporting and reacting to the Gibson incident. [Just a note, Bill. If you have to tell us you are our humble correspondent, then you probably aren’t.]

Plus, O’Reilly argues with (desperate has been) Rivera that Gibson did not get cut slack because he is white and famous. You can laugh at that one here.

The good new is:

Republicans must now distance themselves from Bush and his policies if they plan to win the mid-term elections. And, some Republicans are even going so far as to join the Democratic Party.

The bad news?

Too many Democrats still do defend Bush, and many continue to vote for his failed policies.

More good news? He’s losing... and even the Washington Post thinks a Lieberman defeat Tuesday could bring a stunning (and wonderful) change to American politics. [Think President Gore instead of a pointless run by Hillary Clinton.] Even Rahm Emanuel threw Lieberman under the bus: "What's playing out here is that being a rubber stamp for George Bush is politically dangerous to life-threatening."

The good news is:

George Bush took a vacation. Maybe he won’t be able to mess things up so much.

The bad news?

He’s still in charge.

The good news is:

Some Green Party values and environmental issues are enjoying popularity.

The bad news?

Republicans and Rick Santorum have figured out a way to use this to benefit... Republicans and Rick Santorum.

The good news is:

France and the US hammer out a cease fire/peace agreement for Lebanon.

The bad news?

It achieves neither peace nor a cease fire.

Worse news?

It will make John Bolton look like he can engage in diplomacy. Remember GOP likes a quick headline and photo op above substance. It is always about appearances.

And, that wraps up this week’s Good News/ Bad News summary.


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