Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Say, did you hear about the poll that shows Ned Lamont within 2 percentage points of the Whore of Hartford? Funny, we didn't either


Do you remember what big news it was last week when the much-respected Quinnipiac poll showed The Joe-mentum Man leading Ned Lamont by 12 percentage points? Didn't it seem as if everybody was breathlessly passing that news on? Especially the most fervent Joe-mentumites, his bloodbrothers on the Looniest Right. The race was all over, they were here to tell us, and boy, are those far-left Democrats who succumbed to radical blogomania gonna be sorry!

Well, today, buried deep in an AP story (third graf from the end!) that the Washington Post headlined "Lieberman Certified to Appear on Ballot," there's this quaint bit of information:

An American Research Group poll released Tuesday showed Lieberman and Lamont about even among likely voters, with Lieberman receiving 44 percent of the vote, Lamont 42 percent and Schlesinger 3 percent. Last week, a Quinnipiac University poll showed Lieberman leading Lamont by 12 percentage points among likely voters.

Funny, I hadn't heard a word about this poll. Yeah, really funny.

Plus, it's still August. While it's true that Connecticut voters have had reason to think about the Senate race, given the attention drawn to the Democratic primary, the fact is that the election isn't till November, and the political sages I know always insist that the broad mass of voters really don't begin to think about how they're going to vote in November until September or even October. Isn't that plenty of time for the magic of Joe-mentum to kick in?

Less surprisingly, buried in the AP report is dizzying news of a Lieberman fund-raising onslaught.

You know how we always hear that some whores don't do it for the money, but for the sheer love of whoring? Get down on your knees, Joe-mentum Man! You know you love it!


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