Thursday, June 22, 2006

Quote of the day [continued]: Honorable Mention to Jon Stewart, who began by announcing, "I'm going to be a knee-jerk, reflexive reactionary"


And then, on last night's Daily Show, Jon went on to say:

"The Senate voted not to raise the minimum wage, which for the last nine years has been $5.15 an hour. So if you're working 40 hours a week, you're making two hundred large. They did vote themselves a pay raise, but they didn't vote to raise the minimum wage.

"I believe they were going to raise it to $7.25. So if you're working 40 hours a week, you'd be making two-eighty large, or maybe three hundred large.

"I just want to say, 'Good!'

"I'm glad they didn't do it, because, you know, the lower strata of American society's had a free ride for too long. And if you were to give them $7.25 an hour, you know it would just go, you know, up their nose and out their hose—you know what I mean? You don't want to give them 'walking around' money.

"So kudos to Congress for literally taking a great [bleep] on the poorest people in the country, 'cause they deserve it. [Over laughter and applause.] Don't they deserve it? Good job! Well done, folks!"


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