Friday, February 10, 2006



I've always said that Joe Lieberman of Connecticut may have been elected as a Connecticut Democrat but he neither represents Connecticut nor is he a Democrat. He actually represents the far right of the Israeli political spectrum. Like the other neo-conservatives who have hoodwinked the oh-so-hoodwinkable idiot daily disgracing the institution of the American Presidency, Lieberman-- and and a small handful of (mostly L.A. area) Jewish congressmen-- have always thought helping Israel was tantamount to taking down Saddam Hussein. People like Lieberman gave Bush and Cheney cover they needed to invade Iraq for far more sinister reasons than just to protect Israel. Today the BBC is reporting that the head of Shin Bet, Israeli's FBI, said that Israel may come to regret Saddam's overthrow. "Yuval Diskin said a strong dictatorship would be preferable to the present 'chaos' in Iraq, in a speech to teenage Jewish settlers in the West Bank."

What Diskin and millions of Israelis get-- what an oaf like Lieberman still can't see-- is that "when you dismantle a system in which there is a despot who controls his people by force, you have chaos." Diskin thinks the chaos could well be worse for everyone concerned than even Saddam's hideous brutality.


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