Wednesday, November 23, 2005



I bet you don't read the NY POST. I don't either-- but I have friends who do. On condition of anonymity one former Michael Jackson pal sent me an article in today's POST. Now Michael, who was inadvertently saved by Tony Blair when Blair forced Bush into backing down from his plans to bomb Qatar is living an over the top sybaritic lifestyle with the sultans and sheiks, allowed to frolic with all the young boys he wants to frolic with and with no sheriffs or sharifs to stick their noses into his private affairs.  And all he has to do is make a couple of anti-semitic statements now and then. According to the only mutual friend Jackson and I share, "he's living on some kind of private peninsula, a 'megastructure' is what they call it, an extension of one of those caliphates far out into the Gulf, in the shape of a palm tree, and each branch is 30 million or something, and you can do whatever you want on it. Further inland are the American planes and tactical nukes."

So back to the POST. The catty writer points out that "Michael Jackson may love the children of the world— but he doesn't like Jews, according to a blockbuster new anonymity that apparently captures the Gloved One waxing anti-Semitic to a former business manager. 'They suck,' the King of Pop is allegedly heard saying on a voicemail message left the ex-adviser. 'They're like leeches . . . I'm so tired of it . . . they start out the most popular person in the world, make a lot of money, big house, cars and everything. End up penniless. It is conspiracy. The Jews do it on purpose.'"

Although it is being written off as "just a coincidence," the U.S. Senate's representative from the far right Israeli Likud Party, Joe Lieberman (ostensibly a "Democrat" from "Connecticut," rushed off to the Middle East. Lieberman has the power and clout, even among Bush neo-con Republicans to effectively advocate international policies that are catastrophic for America but serve the perceived interests of the Likud (to the long-term detriment of Israel itself). According to today's HARTFORD COURANT, Lieberman is sticking with Bush in urging the country to "stay the course" in Iraq. Lieberman has exerted profoundly damaging influence on actual Democrats (Hillary, Biden, Bayh and scores of others). According to the COURANT "Lieberman's chief concern today is that American partisanship is muddling and even obscuring that message. [That was his not-so-subtle attack on John Murtha and the 63% of Americans who do not think "staying the course" is an effective or suitable" Iraq policy.] Terrorists can't defeat us on the ground. They can win by affecting public opinion here."

More and more Democrats are growing disenchanted with Lieberman's aggressive and one-dimensional Likud approach to world affairs. The COURANT points out that increasingly his primary political allies are right-wing Republicans. Lieberman's positions are no longer part of the American-- let alone the Democratic-- mainstream, but extremist pols like George Bush are still using him for their own calculated purposes. "Fine Democrats like Sen. Joe Lieberman share the view that we must prevail in Iraq," Rove cunningly inserted into a Bush speech Sunday. Discerning patriots are more in line with the sentiments on DUMP JOE. The COURANT interviewed Norman Solomon, executive director of the Institute for Public Accuracy. He called Lieberman "one of the worst Democrats in the Senate when it comes to foreign policy. He has an ideological view that prevents him from processing new information."

A perfect example would be Lieberman's disingenuous statement: "The whole world felt Saddam Hussein had those weapons and Saddam gave us reason to make us think he had them." This is patently false and pure Republican/neo-Con spin, more Bush lies and excuses.


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