Wednesday, October 19, 2005



Thank you, thank you, thank you to Nico at THINK PROGRESS for allowing me to go to sleep tonight in a major happy, happy, schadenfreude delirium. The Far Right is fracturing along a non-Miers faultline-- the San Andreas of neo-fascist politics!

The execrable Grover ("drown government in a bathtub") Norquist has worked harder than anyone since Nixon and Lee Atwater to stitch together the uneasy coalition between the Greed and Selfishness (corporatist/traditional) wing of the Republican Party and the Hatred and Bigotry (Know Nothing/religionist) wing. Although their goals were never identical each wing has been able to do a little give-and-take to achieve it's ends, although the Greed and Selfishness guys got most of what they wanted and the Hatred and Bigotry guys mostly got laughed at... plus some crumbs. Well, speaking of crumbs, tonight the whole stinkin' edifice is crumbling!

Extreme right-wingers are going out of their collective minds today because ole Grover (who earlier admitted getting mixed up with Abramoff and Reed and DeLay in their scheme to defraud American Indian tribes based not on greed but because, as a libertarian, he has no problem with casinos and gambling) was the headliner at a fund-raising event for the Log Cabin Republicans. Gambling and ripping off Injuns they can live with but treating homos like human beings-- NEVER! Cathie Adams, president of the neo-Nazi hate group, Texas Eagle Forum, called Norquist's appearance "an act of utter betrayal." The viciously hate-obsessed Adams called Norquist's presence at the fund-raiser "traitorous. If he was a serious economic conservative, Grover Norquist would not have accepted the invitation or the honorarium for speaking at a fund-raiser for a group bent on the destruction of traditional families," she spewed venomously. "It's deceitful to pretend to defend sound economic principles while undermining the very fabric of society," she added in a state of serious delusion.

Noting that Norquist's organization Americans For Tax Reform demands that politicians "take the pledge" not to raise taxes, the wing-nuts are demanding that the loon community (what they call "social conservatives" or "value conservative") withhold their future support until Norquist "takes the pledge to no longer give aid and comfort to homosexual activist groups intent on undermining traditional marriage and the family." And it isn't just Adams and the fringe maniacs in Texas. Homophobic maniacs (most of the 38% of people who still support Bush) are crawling out from under every rock in every backward corner of America to pile on. Gary Glenn is the leader of rightist hate group in Michigan calling itself the American Family Association. He was livid and having a major tizzy fit when he found out Norquist was rubbing elbows with the homos, claiming it was an "act of utter betrayal of the Reagan coalition of social and fiscal conservatives." And Glenn recalls that this isn't the first time that Norquist has betrayed the gay-bashers. "Norquist," he says "said some potential Republican voters might be turned off by raising the issue (the anti-gay marriage amendment) to a constitutional level, just as they were by too much talk of guns or abortions." The NY TIMES quoted Norquist as saying: "Obsessions turn people off," a major slap in the face to people whose entire lives are based around obsessive fears and hatreds.

And they're all armed (and insane).


At 10:21 AM, Blogger DownWithTyranny said...

Today the Associated Press is carrying an ostensibly unrelated story about right-wing moralistic politico-kook Brent Bozell and his self-proclaimed Parents Television Council declaring which shows right-wing idiots are allowed to watch and which are verboten. Ironically, Bozell (a pillar of the religionist loon wing of the GOP) declares virtual jihad against Fox, owned by neo-Nazi businessman Rupert Murdoch (a pillar of the Greed and Selfishness wing... and, of course, a key in the Republican propaganda efforts to brainwash America). The 4 worst rated shows are all Fox programs ("The War at Home," "The Family Guy," "American Dad," and "The O.C.") and overall 60% of the "do not watch" list are on Fox.

The mentally deranged Bozell-- and, yes, I have met him personally and can attest to the fact that he is a severely disturbed individual in dire need of psychiatric help-- acting out his imaginary role as censor, said "Families should not be deceived. The top three worst shows all contain crude and raunchy dialogue with sex-themed jokes and foul language. Even worse is the fact that Hollywood is peddling its filth to families with cartoons." (I think he meant "Fox" when he said Hollywood but he didn't want to push it.) America's 2 most popular programs-- "CSI: Crime Scene Investigation" and "Desperate Housewives-- are also on Bozo's YOU MUST NOT WATCH OR YOU WILL GO TO HELL AND BURN FOR ETERNITY list. Bozo said the group couldn't even come up with 10 prime-time shows it would recommend for family viewing.

At 7:19 PM, Blogger DownWithTyranny said...


These nutters are falling apart and they're all starting to cannibalize each other. Today's moment of schadenfreude is brought to us by Brad Freidman over at The Brad Blog. His inspiring story is about the craziest of all the loonies on the Far Right: the hideous "Ann" Coulter and how another right-wing nut group, Citizens for Principled Conservatism, is exposing her with a documentary film called THE TRUTH ABOUT ANN. (They don't go into whether that adam's apple has any deeper meaning but the film claims she's a purveyor of "fake conservatism." The hard-hitting film, by a wild right-wing hit squad, is harsher than anything Michael Moore would have done to the loathesome Coulter.

At 4:44 PM, Blogger DownWithTyranny said...


A Florida-based neo-Nazi fringe group, the Alachua County Republican Party, paid contemptible Republican maniac Ann Coulter $30,000 to do her dark stand-up comedy routine at a fundraiser last night. Coulter's routine was basically centered on doing away with the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution (something right-wingers have always hated). She got a wildly enthusiastic standing ovation from the wealthy Florida fascists who overwhelmingly agreed that Americans don't need free speech.


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