Saturday, August 20, 2005



Every right wing loon in the land, from drug addict/hypocrite Rush Limbaugh to me-too fascists Sean Hannity and Bill O'Lie-ly, has something vicious and mean to say about the mother who wants to know what Bush means when he says her son Casey died in Iraq for a "noble cause." The latest right-wing fanatic trying to answer for Bush (who is currently hiding under his bed from Cindy) is the so-called "Reverend" Fred Phelps, a Bush kind of politico-religionist hate-monger from Kansas. Blogger DC Media Girl shared a typical Phelps statement (Bear in mind that this excrement claims to be talking for Jesus Christ's ministry.)

"Why did your son die in Iraq? Because you raised him for the devil and Hell. You hated him. You taught him 'It’s OK to be gay,' and other God-rejecting lies, that brought the wrath of God Down upon this evil nation.
Why did your son die in Iraq? Because God hates America and has purposed to destroy her. They turned America over to fats; they’re coming home in body bags."

Today Cindy Sheehan has an answer for the Bill O'Lie-lys, the Sean Hannitys, the Fred Phelps, the Rush Limbaughs and the George Bushes:

"Contrary to what the main stream media thinks, I did not just fall off a pumpkin truck in Crawford, TX on that scorchingly hot day two weeks ago. I have been writing, speaking, testifying in front of Congressional committees, lobbying Congress, and doing interviews for over a year now. I have been pretty well known in the progressive, peace community and I had many, many supporters before I even left California. The people who supported me did so because they know that I uncompromisingly tell the truth about this war. I have stood up and said: 'My son died for NOTHING, and George Bush and his evil cabal and their reckless policies killed him. My son was sent to fight in a war that had no basis in reality and was killed for it.' I have never said 'pretty please' or 'thank you.' I have never said anything wishy-washy like he uses 'Patriotic Rhetoric.' I say my son died for LIES. George Bush LIED to us and he knew he was LYING. The Downing Street Memos dated 23 July, 2002 prove that he knew that Saddam didn't have WMD's or any ties to Al Qaeda. I believe that George lied and he knew he was lying. He didn't use patriotic rhetoric. He lied and made us afraid of ghosts that weren't there. Now he is using patriotic rhetoric to keep the US military presence in Iraq: Patriotic rhetoric that is based on greed and nothing else.
    Now I am being vilified and dragged through the mud by the righties and so-called 'fair and balanced' main stream media who are afraid of the truth and can't face someone who tells it by telling any truth of their own. Now they have to twist, distort, lie, and scrutinize anything I have ever said when they never scrutinize anything that George Bush said or is saying. Instead of asking George or Scotty McClellan if he will meet with me, why aren't they asking the questions they should have been asking all along: 'Why are our young people fighting, dying, and killing in Iraq? What is this noble cause you are sending our young people to Iraq for? What do you hope to accomplish there? Why did you tell us there were WMD's and ties to Al Qaeda when you knew there weren't? Why did you lie to us? Why did you lie to the American people? Why did you lie to the world? Why are our nation's children still in harm's way and dying everyday when we all know you lied? Why do you continually say we have to 'complete the mission' when you know damn well you have no idea what that mission is and you can change it at will like you change your cowboy shirts?'


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