Thursday, May 19, 2005



I like Michael Moore and I like his style. And I love his films. Not everyone does. (In fact, one psychotic right-wing Republican propaganda loon, Glenn Beck, threatened to kill Michael on his syndicated talk show on Hate Talk Radio today.) But even people who don't like Moore-- I mean sane people who don't like him, not Glenn Beck-Karl Rove-Bill Frist types-- or his style or his films have a lot to gain by seeing ENRON: THE SMARTEST GUYS IN THE ROOM. It wasn't made by Moore. He's not in it either. The style is more dispassionate and cerebral. But it's as explosive as any of Moore's films. I saw the movie two nights ago. Now I'm the kind of guy who thinks he knows about all there is to know about the Enron catastrophe and how connected Ken Lay and his fellow crooks are to the Bush Family. But, after seeing this incredibly well-made documentary I realized I didn't know half of what I should. I can't recommend this movie enough! I felt sorry for my friend Steve because he was sitting next to an impassioned maniac who yells at movie screens in crowded theaters. Like when the execrable Chimp-in-Chief made some smirky comment about how Enron was a business scandal not a political scandal-- helping to program the dittohead foot soldiers of the rightist-revolution-of-the-American-Idiot-- I found myself asking, in an admittedly too loud voice, why then were Lay and Skilling still not in prison. After seeing more of the movie I also realized more fully how implicated Arnold Schwartzenegger was in this whole monstrous affair.

This is another one of those movies that you just know would cause enough outrage and revulsion among the public to ensure Bush's impeachment and the collapse of the horrid reactionary regime he fronts. LOL! Just kidding. But see it anyway.


At 10:38 AM, Blogger Marian/Bonnie said...

Thanks for your great review. I first watched "Enron" two nights ago, and again last night. It's probably the scariest horrow show I've ever seen in my life, a story of daydreaming kids who as adults dream themselves all the way to prison.


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