Sunday, September 13, 2020

Midnight Meme Of The Day!


by Noah

Sunday Thoughts:
Jesus said, Suffer the little children, forbid them not to come unto to me: for such is the Kingdom of Heaven.
- Matthew, 16:14
Unfortunately, the psychopathic goons in the Trump White House took the above words and joyfully and deliberately perverted them. They saw the phrase 'Suffer the little children' and they ran with it. 'Suffer the little children is a motto' for the Trumpers. It's a goal. That was all too predictable. After all, all you had to do was know that only a person with a certain kind of sick character would go work for a creature like Donald Trump. We even now know that causing a child to suffer is one of the few things that puts a smile on Queen Melanoma's face. We can easily speculate what it does for her husband.

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At 7:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

what would jesus do is dependent on who's jesus you are talking about

YOURs might not cage and kill kids because YOU don't believe that is right.

THEIRS absolutely would cage and kill kids because that's what THEY would do.

because all deities are the inventions in the imaginations of the minds who create them.

At 9:07 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Look at who arms Jesus in their iconography. That alone speaks volumes.

At 7:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

if jesus existed and wasn't the Nazi jesus, maybe you'd expect him to prevent the caging and killing of kids? or something palliative wrt covid? or ameliorate all the rabid and irrational hate?

maybe Donald could have been stillborn or his pop could have died in the flu pandemic... something.

but no. the gawd you all pray to for miraculous help in your times of most dire need... never does shit.

and all you fucking morons can figger out is that YOU are not sufficiently pious for jesus to give a shit?

how about your are just praying to something that never has and never will exist?

pray to your favorite Hollywood or teevee or youtube star. it'll work just as well. maybe better.


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