Wednesday, August 05, 2020

Midnight Meme Of The Day!


by Noah

Now who could argue with that!

Ladies and Gentlemen, the Stable Genius in free verse. The Stable Genius in his own words! The Stable Genius with the best words! The Idol of the 62,000,000! His hair is perfect, washed daily, and he knows the "people who do the dishes" even though he's never done one himself! Ever. He doesn't even eat off dishes. He eats out of a trough and out of taco bowls. Keep the lid down. He eats off of paper plates and then probably eats the paper plates, too. Yum. That's real good paper plate! Washes it down with Adderall Snapple. Can you imagine having to clean up after him? Who does that, Pence? Body Bag Barbie? Kellyanne? Why anyone when no one knows water like Trump? It comes from rain. No one knows "rain" like Trump! No one can throw a roll of paper towels further than Trump. Water! It's wet! One of the wettest from the standpoint of water. Hurricanes are wet. Drink water with one hand.

When the Orange Menace takes a shower, the swirl of water around the shower drain looks like an orange version of the famous shower scene from "Psycho" except Pence is the guy with a mother up in the attic! A warm welcome and a bigly hand, please! Roll him out folks... Here he is Donald J. Trump, The Pride Of The Republican Party! Their Best & Brightest! The Poet Laureate of the Idiocracy! C'mon, let's hear it!

Better yet, just send him over Niagara Falls in a bigly, custom made, bright red MAGA barrel while Melania and Justin hold hands and watch from the Canadian side. He'll be so proud of his barrel that he won't even notice. He'll just OCD on the barrel and say it's the bigliest best barrel ever because Trump knows barrels.

Make the barrel in Mexico. We'll gladly pay for that!

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At 5:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is mocking the bastard who is destroying the nation the best we can do? It's a rather pathetic effort if the goal is to stop him - which no entity with the power to do so seems willing to exercise.

Bread and circuses to distract from the fact that the Ship of State has been scuttled, only no order to abandon ship has been issued. Party on, Garth!

What's that scatological phrase so often used on this site to describe the potted plant mental acuity?

At 7:41 AM, Anonymous Ida Jurie said...

5:03, Humor, satire and derision have been political weapons as long as we have existed. We read it for the same reasons that we listen to the blues, read poetry, and enjoy comedians. They can be an articulation of our pain. They are all things to be appreciated. It's also good for the targets of these things to know that they are being written. At times, they crop up in their twitter feeds and that's a good thing especially in the case of Trump who has such a thin skin. If it's all lost on you, avoid it or risk sounding like Kayleigh McEnany or Sarah Huckabee Sanders. You could even apply for the job.

At 5:55 PM, Anonymous Gizmo said...

I anticipate a time when Noah eviscerates democrats on a regular basis again but right now they aren't in charge at the top. I used to wish he would eviscerate some trolls but I realized that he's smart enough to see that they eviscerate themselves and they don't even know it.

At 7:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Giz, what then is the point of electing democraps so awful that Noah is obliged to eviscerate them? Maybe if we elected good ones and got rid of the horrible ones...

but we never do that, do we.

"is our children learning?"
"tarriers and barrifs"
"putting food on our families"

the good old days!

obamanation at least spoke better. Nowhere as erudite as Lincoln... but better than anyone else since Carter. But he didn't inspire us/US to get better, clearly.
biden? worthless as tits on a bull. in 50 years, the 4 years that will be totally missing from US history books will be 2020-2024.

how bad will the next 'worse than the last one' republican be?


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