Monday, June 08, 2020

Midnight Meme Of The Day!


by Noah

Stone crazy as Trump is, he has an eye for marketing and imagery. He uses imagery very well. The way to beat that is to turn it against him. That's why I made tonight's meme.

The White House as a backdrop for extreme fascism. The Eiffel Tower as a backdrop for extreme fascism. Hitler and his henchmen. Trump and his. They are on a tragic trajectory towards interchangeability. Tic Tock. Time to wake up. The alarm has been ringing for a long, long time. The sick irony of Trump and his henchmen walking through a park named after a man who came from Paris to aid the American Revolution is no coincidence. Which revolution do you honor, America?

Tic Tock.

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At 7:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A very apt, if overly late, comparison.

So, one might wonder, why the rest of DWT still cannot bring itself to call them Nazis?

a rhetorical question.

At 12:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Until Trump adopts a military uniform as his daily attire, the comparison remains incomplete. Adolph donned the uniform BECAUSE he was a militarist. Trump only plays soldier.


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