Saturday, March 14, 2020

Midnight Meme Of The Day!


by Noah

Heck-uva-job, Donnie! Some plan you had there! You've had quite a rough week but, surprise, surprise, you weren't at all up to the job that you conned 62,000,000 fools into giving you (Plus, thanks to the abdication of responsibility by the Electoral College). Soon you will say that the market doesn't matter just like Cheney said deficits don't matter. Ordinarily I might have been sympathetic to a president who had this clusterphuck happen on their watch but you earned it. You willed it! You prided yourself on being The Chaos President. You're nothing but a damn psychopathic freakshow; you and your damn psychopathic freakshow party. Your party protected you every centimeter of the way. Putin clapped his hands and they jumped. They jumped for joy when the wire transfers of cash came their way. They jumped for joy when you expressed your oneness with their hate and bigotry with you comments and your judges. Now, they all share the putrid rotted fruits of your tax scam and your grossly incompetent stewardship of the economy. You're a real "Stable Genius" alright. Fuck you Donnie! Fuck your whole damn Republican Goofball Party. And fuck every other single asshole in Washington who is responsible, in any way, shape, or form for you still infesting the oval office.

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At 4:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You can't leave the Keystone Kop Democrats off the list.

First, the Democrats relied upon a lame slogan- "Hope & Change" -to hide the fact that the Party foisted a "moderate 1985 Reagan Republican" on us instead of the progressive can-do candidate who ran. Not only did he prove he was really Can't-Do, he was DIDN'T-DO.

Second, the Party became the personal political cash cow of an entitled elitist with no platform and no sense of responsibility, who spit on too many voters she needed to win while not campaigning in several states she lost. But blame the Russian's cartoonish Facebook and Twitter activities instead of herself for the loss.

Third, what little credibility the Democrats had was expended in a snipe hunt looking for Russian electoral manipulators and a hamstrung "impeachment" which ignored real crimes because every prominent Democrat is just as guilty of the changes they might have brought.

Now, the best Great Wealthy White Man Hope being offered is a doddering racist and sexist liar who promises behind boardroom doors that "nothing will fundamentally change" when it's more than clear that fundamental change is needed.

The Party wants all anti-Trumpers to coalesce behind their version of Trump to replace Trump so that the example of Trump can be theirs.

Sorry. Not interested.


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