Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Kamala Harris Failed-- One Very Big Reason Why She Deserved To: Her Record As Attorney General


Aaron Glantz's new book, Homewreckers: How a Gang of Wall St. Kingpins, Hedge Fund Magnates, Crooked Banks and Vulture Capitalists Suckered Millions of Out of Their Homes and Demolished the American Dream is generally horrible for Trump's inner circle. Amy Goodman: "Aaron Glantz reveals how the 2008 housing crisis decimated millions of Americans' family wealth but enriched President Donald Trump's inner circle, including Trump cabinet Steve Mnuchin and Wilbur Ross, Trump's longtime friend and confidant Tom Barrack and billionaire Republican donor Steve Schwarzman." In short, crooks from the Trumpland Swamp-- the aforemented Mnuchin, Ross, Schwarzman and Barrack-- took advantage of a rigged system to transfer billions of dollars from individual homeowners into their own pockets during the Great Recession. None are in prison and none have been charged for their grand scale crimes. But one of them was almost charged and could have easily been serving prison time now... instead as Trump's crooked Treasury Secretary helping Trump violate the emoluments clause of the Constitution every day of the week.

But, as Politico reported yesterday, Glantz also reveals Kamala Harris' sordid and disgraceful role in this mess. He wrote that "Harris not only allowed Steve Mnuchin’s OneWest bank to get away with foreclosing on tens of thousands of state homeowners, but then tried to bury the evidence."
"Consumers wonder how is it that we all got so far behind" and so many Americans lost their homes in the Great Recession, Glantz-- a two-time Peabody Award winning journalist with California-based Reveal and the Center for Investigative Reporting-- said Monday in an interview.

“The answer is all of these officials screwed up and dropped the ball-- and hid it. The time period when all this homewrecking occurred was during the Obama presidency, and when AG’s like Kamala Harris were on the job," he said. "It happened on her watch. And she’s never been really forced to tell the other story-- and wrestle with the truth of what happened."

In California, Mnuchin-- now the Treasury secretary-- acquired regional banks like OneWest with the federal government’s help; the banks got billions in subsidies as they foreclosed on 35,000 homeowners in the Golden State alone, Glantz reports. Harris did little to stop that bleeding-- and later tried to suppress evidence of her inaction, he argues.

"Harris’ deputies recommended that their boss sue the bank," Glantz said, citing the bank’s loss-share agreement with the FDIC, which stated that Mnuchin’s bank could only receive payments from the government if it followed proper foreclosure procedures. "If the state of California found OneWest violated those rules, the payments could stop-- saving not only homeowners... but government coffers as well."

"[But] despite a strong recommendation from her staff," Harris never legally pursued Mnuchin’s OneWest bank, he says. "As a result, no one at OneWest faced prosecution-- and no one got their homes back."

...Earlier this year, Harris told the San Francisco Chronicle that she "didn’t have the legal ability," because "the rules were written in favor of the banks"-- an argument Glantz reports was disputed in a 25-page memo produced by Harris’ own staff. "Case NOT filed despite strong recommendations," reads a cover sheet atop the memo, Glantz writes.

He said the Mortgage Fraud Strike Force Harris launched does get credit for taking action, but mostly went after "small potatoes" offenders. On bigger fish, however, her staff "did investigate OneWest, and did recommend prosecution-- but she did bury their report and declined to launch a prosecution," he said. "That happened."

Glantz writes in Homewreckers that "the only reason we know about California’s investigations into OneWest today is because David Dayen of the news website The Intercept obtained a leaked copy," and published it in January 2017. "By then," Glantz reports, "Harris was no longer California attorney general-- she was a U.S. senator."
It's worth noting that Mnuchin was a mega-donor to politicians-- all Republican politicians... except one: Kamala Harris. These were the Mnuchin contributions I was able to dig up for 2016
Republican National Committee- $309,600
New Jersey Republican State Committee- $10,000
Connecticut Republican Campaign Committee- $10,000
Republican Party of Tennessee- $10,000
Republican Party of Wyoming- $10,000
Republican Party of Louisiana- $10,000
Republican Party of West Virginia- $10,000
Republican Party of Virginia- $10,000
Republican Party of Mississippi- $10,000
Republican Party of Arkansas- $10,000
Republican Party of South Carolina- $10,000
New York Republican Federal Campaign Committee- $10,000
Paul Ryan (R-WI)- $5,400
Scott Walker (R-WI)- $2,700
Donald J. Trump (R-NY)- $5,400
Kamala Harris (D-CA)- $2,000
Just a coincidence?

By the way, Harris' RealClearPolitics polling average is 5.4% and in her home state, which she once hoped would propel her into the presidency, she's not in the top tier:
Elizabeth Warren- 23%
Status Quo Joe- 22%
Bernie- 21%
Kamala- 8%
Mayo Pete- 6%

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At 1:11 PM, Anonymous Hone said...

Sickening to hear. Unsurprising, however. It is no wonder people have such little regard for politicians. It has been so since the Year 1.

At 2:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hone, the specific corrupt acts of kamala have been covered in this blog before, though not quite with these specifics.
They've also been mentioned by me in many, MANY replies to a variety of columns on this site.

None of this is a surprise. The scale is not surprising (for harris) and the campaign donation is the tip of the iceberg. Someone should dig into kamala's various unregulated money (PACs and S-PACs).

"Aaron Glantz reveals how the 2008 housing crisis decimated millions of Americans' family wealth but enriched President Donald Trump's inner circle, including Trump cabinet Steve Mnuchin and Wilbur Ross, Trump's longtime friend and confidant Tom Barrack and billionaire Republican donor Steve Schwarzman."

And do I really have to remind you, as this column goes on to do after the clipped quote, that as bad as kamala is, obamanation/holder were FAAAAAAAR worse as they ignored and refused to prosecute everything and everyone in all 50 states?

And do I really have to remind you all that everyone indicated that refused to do shit are all democraps... and that the democrap party takes billions from finance as a clear quid-pro-quo for that refusal to act?

Should I also mention the queen of bank whores also? nah. you already know.

At 2:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I totally agree with 2:25pm that we should never forget the role played by Obama, Geithner, and Holder in abetting the fraud perpetrated by Wall Street banks. They protected the banksters, failed to prosecute a single one, and even allowed them to keep their ill-gotten bonuses. The Hope and Change administration let it all happen while 10 million families lost their homes.

And now we see the Fed has initiated a high speed 180 degree J-turn on its policy. Instead of raising rates it is cutting rates and instead of shrinking its balance sheet it is increasing it by pumping billions into the banking system in overnight repo actions. No one seems to know why and Congressional banking committees aren’t asking. All this while the stock market is reaching all time highs, unemployment and inflation at all time lows. Here we go again.

At 5:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The only people prosecuted by the Obamanation misadministration were whistle blowers.

The reason the money is being pumped into the economy is because the really juicy "opportunities" for profits have dried up. With the majority of consumers essentially tapped out, there is only one place left to seek the desired pelf: the government. Because that's where the money is.

With this scandal, and so many others, the Democrats are only proving that they serve no real purpose other than to protect Republican criminals from the consequences of their actions through their ineptitude and incompetence. Yet we will be expected to line up and give them our votes so that Trump doesn't win again. Are they not noticing that the Republicans are doing everything in their power to ensure that the Democrats aren't going to take power away from the GOP?

At 4:54 AM, Blogger Willow said...

Harris' is the longest funeral I've ever attended.

At 6:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The point cannot be made enough. Glantz's book is, I think, the one recommended to me by a friend that not only drives home the point that the obamanation misadmin REFUSED to do shit for homeowners (and job losers). He and his cabal of wall streeters also colluded to allow, facilitate and encourage the killings (in some cases, literally) made by mnuchin and several others as they LEGALLY filled bags of money at the expense of those former homeowners and job-holders.

In short, for those lefty voters of very limited potential, obamanation fucked 10s of millions of actual people to make rich assholes richer (so they could donate to him and his party, presumably).

This was not trump. this was not the Nazis, even though most of those who profited ARE Nazis. this was YOUR goddamn democraps. You know... the party you shitheads believe will help you if only you give them 2008 numbers again.


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