Joe Miller (T-AK), The Craziest Catch

Last night we all marveled at how the teabaggers and their billionaire backers struck another blow at the heart of the already far too conservative Republican Party. This time they ended the political career of mainstream conservative Mike Castle and nominated bizarre extremist and anti-masturbation fanatic Christine O'Donnell. This was the mirror image of what Palin and the Tea Party Expressed accomplished in Alaska by defeating Lisa Murkowski and handing the GOP nomination over to far right fanatic Joe Miller.
Blue America and our allies at the Americans For America PAC are working with Alaska bloggers to make sure voters from Nome to the Ketchikan Gateway and from Atka and Kodiak to Barrow and Kaktovik know just who Joe Miller really is. Our plan is to run this ad in Alaska's relative inexpensive cable TV markets. Please take a look-- and if you like it, please chip in here.
This will be the first of a daily-- or almost daily-- video release we'll be doing. Most won't be for TV but you'll be able to see them here at DWT, at Crooks and Liars, at Digby's place and, of course, at the Blue America Facebook page. As you can see, this first video, masterminded by Manatt Media, presents Miller’s radical tea party agenda as part of a parody of the hit Discovery Show The Deadliest Catch.
Brett Di Resta, Americans for America PAC's co-founder, said of their debut video and its target, Joe Miller: "It's hard to fathom that there would be an Alaskan politician more extreme than Sarah Palin. But after looking at his record, Joe Miller made a believer out of us. Republican primary voters hooked him, but in the general election Alaskans should throw back in the water."
Labels: Alaska, Blue America, Christine O'Donnell, Craziest Catch, crazy extremists, Joe Miller
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