Alan Grayson Faces The Limbaugh Onslaught... Again
Limbaugh was still smarting from Alan Grayson (D-FL) pointing out here at DWT last January that ole Rush was more lucid when he was still taking hillbilly heroin than he's been lately. "Rush Limbaugh is a has-been hypocrite loser who craves attention. His right-wing lunacy sounds like Mikhail Gorbachev extolling the virtues of communism. Limbaugh actually was more lucid when he was a drug addict. If America ever did 1% of what he wanted us to do, then we’d all need painkillers.” So it came as no surprise to anyone when Limbaugh launched into another childish tirade against Congressman Grayson, the member of Congress the extreme right fears most.

"He's one pizza short of exploding," chortled Grayson yesterday. "If there is anyone who knows about Happy Meals, it’s Rush Limbaugh. He certainly has consumed a lot of them. He likes them with an Oxycontin chaser."
Limbaugh has refused to answer any questions from media asking him when he's moving his operation to Costa Rica or if rumors are true that the Costa Rican government, in an attempt to preserve the morals of the country, has indicated that he won't be welcome there.
Humor aside, it's important to realize that corporate special interests whose predatory goals are served by the faux populism of highly paid shills like Limbaugh, Beck and Hannity want nothing as much as shutting Alan Grayson up. He's been as much a thorn in their sides as he's been a beacon of light for ordinary Americans looking for a champion inside the confines of a dysfunctional and self-serving political system. So... Blue America wants to remind everybody about a very special page, Getting Grayson's Back. So far 934 people have chipped in to help Alan get his message out to his constituents. We've raised just over $35,000 of the $50,000 goal we set for ourselves. If you can, please lend a hand. And, for your entertainment and elucidation, here's how we first became aware of Alan Grayson:
Limbaugh has refused to answer any questions from media asking him when he's moving his operation to Costa Rica or if rumors are true that the Costa Rican government, in an attempt to preserve the morals of the country, has indicated that he won't be welcome there.
Humor aside, it's important to realize that corporate special interests whose predatory goals are served by the faux populism of highly paid shills like Limbaugh, Beck and Hannity want nothing as much as shutting Alan Grayson up. He's been as much a thorn in their sides as he's been a beacon of light for ordinary Americans looking for a champion inside the confines of a dysfunctional and self-serving political system. So... Blue America wants to remind everybody about a very special page, Getting Grayson's Back. So far 934 people have chipped in to help Alan get his message out to his constituents. We've raised just over $35,000 of the $50,000 goal we set for ourselves. If you can, please lend a hand. And, for your entertainment and elucidation, here's how we first became aware of Alan Grayson:
Labels: Alan Grayson, Limbaugh
Wow. Rushbo with a bottle of Viagra and a slew of underage boy prostitutes? If there's any proof of that it would certainly disconnect him from his revenue stream and all the little folk around the country that listen to him. Can we have some documentation for this or at least point us to the source of this gossip?
I can't burn my confidential source on the boy prostitutes thing-- but if you just Google "Limbaugh, prostitutes," the first thing that comes up is this. But don't stop there; keep going and you'll find a long and sordid history of Rush Limbaugh, drugs and young boys. As for disconnecting him from his revenue stream... not so much. Reality isn't a factor for these people.
Good morning!
Interesting link Howie, I learned a new word Hypocritophobic, and a more flattering image of Barbara Bush than the usual deer in the headlight look.
Anonamousey, Rush is a great, rich American. I mean, he was PAYING for it, OK? and is it REALLY "illegal" unless he gets caught and his very expensive lawyers can't buy the case?
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