Thursday, June 18, 2009

John Ensign: Drip, Drip, Drip


Rachel Maddow never uses the word prostitute (in relation to Ensign)-- although she does bring up Vitter-- but she sure makes it clear that John Ensign, who resigned from the GOP leadership Wednesday was using taxpayer money to pay a married staffer to have sex with him over a long period of time. After Rachel's broadcast, Ensign defended his payments to the woman and her family. This scandal is getting worse by the day:

UPDATE: An Older-- And Much Worse-- Drip

Marcy reminds everyone that in February 2008, Republicans confronted Ensign in his home-- including GOP Senate moralist Tom Coburn (R-OK)-- to discuss his "unethical behavior." The cuckold, and former Ensign chief-of-staff and golfing buddy, is scared because of Ensign's well-known Mafia connections:
"The actions of Senator Ensign have ruined our lives and careers and left my family in shambles. We have lost significant income, suffered indescribable pain and emotional suffering. We find ourselves today with an overwhelming loss of relationships, career opportunities and hope for recovery. Our pursuit of justice continues to place me and my family in harm’s way as we fear for our well being... Ensign’s conduct and relentless pursuit of my wife led to our dismissal in April of 2008. I would like to say he stopped his heinous conduct and pursuit upon our leaving, but that was not the case and his actions did not subside until August of 2008."

Ensign has always tried to derail the Senate Ethics Committee and prevent it from investigating criminals in its own midst-- as though a House of Lords is above such folderol-- but now people are demanding this whole sordid episode be thoroughly investigated unless Ensign resigns at once, which is as likely as it was that Ensign's pal David Diapers Vitter would. The Nevada Republican Party is crumbling and falling apart before our eyes.

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At 1:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

afternoon Howie,

head on over to Empty's place - seems she's found an interesting nugget - the house Ensign shared with Coburn may have been owned by The Family

cbl of FDL

At 6:47 PM, Anonymous Bil said...


If you can't trust a Promisekeeper from adultery and sexual harrassment who can you trust?


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