Florida Democrats Ready To Run Another Republican For Congress

A knowledgeable and witty friend of mine is going to start blogging soon. He asked me what I thought of his idea of encouraging readers to write in with tales about the worst state Democratic Party and the worst state Republican Party. I suggested he find the right readers first but also told him he probably doesn't have to look too far for the worst state Democratic Party since Florida was sitting out there in the glaring sunlight. What a miserable state party that one is! Karen Thurman, the state party chair is, according to Howard Dean, an excellent leader. She was mayor of Dunnellon and then served in the state Senate for a decade before being elected to a newly created congressional district in 1992. When the GOP re-gerrymandered the district to get rid of her-- after 10 years in Congress-- she was replaced by Ginny Brown-Waite a pathetic backbencher and clueless rubber stamp best known for demanding that all American soldiers buried in France be disinterred and shipped home because France wouldn't hop on board the Bush Express to Nowhere in Iraq.
We've watched as the Florida Democratic Party has botched election after election while patting themselves on the back for being around when something positive happens-- like Obama winning the state or Alan Grayson winning the Orlando congressional seat-- that has little or nothing to do with their efforts. The state party is worthless, at best, perhaps even a hindrance to electing Democrats. They should change the name to the Florida Blue Dogs and let some real Democrats start an actual Democratic Party that fights for Democratic values and principles. A low point was when the state party got behind Republican Tim Mahoney as the candidate to run against Republican Mark Foley. Thurman helped Rahm Emanuel shove Democrat Dave Lutrin out of the race to make way for the wealthy Mahoney who was able to take advantage of Foley's sexual ethics and win the seat-- only to lose it 2 years later because of his own sexual ethics-- and a repulsively Republican voting record.
In 2006 we also watched Thurman and her organization sit on its hands and watch Brown Waite sail to another re-election in her old district. The 5th may seem too challenging for Thurman because she lost it herself but it's been ripe for a Democratic takeover for some time. Unfortunately, the state party is even more moribund between Levy and Pasco counties than in most of Florida. When Thurman first gave the seat up (in 2002) Brown-Waite won with 48% (as opposed to Thurman's 46%). Brown-Waite has never had a tough race since. In 2004 she was re-elected with 66% and two years later she faced a vanity candidate, John Russell, who managed to beat a real candidate, Rick Penberthy is a primary and then took 40% of the vote. In 2008 Russell was the candidate again and Brown Wait beat him by a slightly bigger margin. I'm sure she appreciates the softball pitches. And it looks like she's about to get another.
Yes, it worked out so well with Mahoney that the Florida Democrats look like they're about to get behind another "reformed" Republican. This morning CQPolitics reported that Jim Piccillo, a lifelong Republican, who stumbled into a NY Times story about Republicans-for-Obama, is going to run against Brown-Waite next year.
He doesn't have a website yet-- at least not one I could find, but he is tweeting away-- about an Easter egg hunt with Kendrick Meek? Ready for prime time?
Labels: FL-05, Florida, Ginny Brown-Waite, Jim Piccillo, Karen Thurman
You can use either party from Illinois also. Democrats have run it into the ground (11 billion debt and now want to raise taxes to help pay for their bad money management) and republicans have no one to run against them and win.
Hey DWT,
I'm from Florida's 5th, and I've spoken with Jim Piccillo. He's got an immensely tough road ahead of him (FL05 is a massive district of over 750k people that went 60+% for McCain), but he is certainly capable of meeting the challenge. The fact that he is an ex-Republican as of very very recently is, in my view, a little disturbing. But an ex-Republican disgusted by the way the GOP has acted in the past three years is actually a rather good fit for the district, and I have no doubts about where his feelings lie with respect to the working class.
I actually talked to Rick Penberthy as well, and Jim has been in contact with the ex-candidate as well. Rick is an impressive man (veteran, M.A. in political science, high school teacher) and it still boggles my mind that John Russell whipped him in 2006, when Rick honestly could have scored an underdog victory.
So please Jim a shot! Side note: If you want to see some hilarious John Russell videos check his fbook, you will plotz.
The real problem with the Florida Democratic Party is that they don't get involved in federal races at all. Thurman hates all congressional candidates because she is still bitter about being railroading out of her own congressional seat.
John Russell was a horrible candidate, but he would have been a great congressman, because he doesn't give a shit about what the party thinks. He speaks his mind regardless.
As for Piccillo, he's dead out of the gates.
It is interesting that sexual ethics and Piccillo are mentioned in the same article...almost laughable actually.
With little effort John Russell beat the DEC's favorite Penberthy in 2006...and again the other Democratic candidates in 2008. He had a strong message that resonated with people. No Democrat can win this demographic area with multiple counties and almost 1/2 million voters.
To JoJo... Your delusional thoughts regarding Rick Penberthy are in fact DELUSIONAL!
Here are the facts:
Mr. Penberthy finished a DISTANT 4th of 4 candidates in the 2004 primary where Russell came in 2nd behind Mr. Whittle by 2,500 votes with John spending less than $5,000 dollars to Mr Whittle's more than $80,000. Mr. Penberthy spent tons of $ in 2004 to finish LAST!
Mr. Whittle then promptly placed a bunch of signs and returned to his HOME in Delray Beach garnering about 33% of the vote against Brown-Waite in the general!
Interestingly, Mr Whittle when he filed to run as a Democrat was actually still registered as a REPUBLICAN who in his life had NEVER before cast ANY VOTE IN ANY ELECTION! Sound familiar?
Mr. Russell's surprising showing resulted in his being chosen in late 2005 as 1 of 18 congressional candidates from around the NATION invited to the Congressional Bootcamp in Phoenix Arizona sponsored by AFSCME/NewHouse Pac and chaired by Nancy Pelosi. So Russell vs Penberthy, there is no comparison!
Mr Russell in 2006, then won the primary after once again being outspent by Mr Penberthy despite Mr. Penberthy receiving all the primary endorsements from local newspapers except the Tampa Tribune which endorsed Russell. Democrats of District 5 made their decision as to who was the best candidate. not the DEC's or Thurman!
Anybody remember the catastrophe that was the Presidential Primary in Florida? The leadership of the FDP is both incompetent and corrupt.
I feel sorry for Jim who is so naive to think that the national Dems in the end are going to turn on the spigots to fund a rookie who had a half dozen people show up to his news conference in Brooksville? There ain't enuff lipstick to help this project.
DEMOCRATIC WOMEN PAY ATTENTION TO THIS! Jim Piccillo is going to have a tough route to the nomination in District 5 as an ANTI-CHOICE democrat! So much for the women's vote.
To Anonymous posters...If you have issues with the candidate, Jim Piccillo, on a personal level that is one thing and should be handled in a face to face courageous manner. But, if you there are political debates you would like to have; give us a call. We welcome opposing views.
Re: ANONYMOUS comments
The paint has dried on THIS campaign already. Internet intrigue is hardly the ticket in district 5.
There will be plenty of time for debate especially as to what defines a candidate of either party.
andd lets not try and re-write history or ignore it here.
There can be no debate on the points made by some of these anonymous posters who by my recollection appear familiar with the recent past.
Certainly, and by no means does any of this appear personal. Just politics!
Soon enuff Jim will hear from all kinds of people personally and face to face who have issues with him NO DOUBT!
Final thought: If Jim and his friends feel its too personal then maybe the kitchen is just too hot!
Interesting input Penelope.
I understand that Sandi is his girlfriend/campaign manager? hmmm, that's....niiiiice.
District 5 is currently and will continue in the future to be led by an extremely capable, EXPERIENCED, compassionate, knowledgable woman.
She not only talks the talk but walks the walk, with results to prove it. Just look her up - and you can find plenty...on all angles. Make your own interpretation, please do not go to some local Dem meeting and let someone with no pot to piss in try to misinform you about her successes. This candidatesays no dirty politics - Miss Sandi - did you know that? Because it appears from your posting in other places that you badmouth Mrs. Brown-Waite. For shame.
Unfortunately, this candidate if you want to call him that, has no experience to speak of, and is not in any way familiar with the lay of the land of District 5. Anything he claims to be involved in has been very recent (like within the last year or so) and so he has not proven to anyone yet that he really can do anything except talk, talk, talk. (Oh, and be slightly involved for a few short months. Can't anyone do that?) I am talking about his local and D5 involvement - while his military past is a plus, it is not enough to carry the load. His 15 minutes has gone to his head. Flubbing in front of thousands of people is not really something to be proud of now is it? Being a part of a campaign as hundreds of thousands of other people were, is not really something to make him stand out either. Many people have logged countless hours on countless campaigns over many years and that doesn't mean they should should run for ANY office.
If you google this guy all you can find is accounts of his mistake a few months ago. Not really much else.
Is he involved in his community??? (before 2008/2009?) I can't find a clear record of that. He has kids apparently, is he involved in their school community? Don't see any record of that either. Any committees, boards...? Nope.
Even if you aren't thrilled with your D5 rep at this point, are you sure you want some guy who has no local ties to speak of ... unless you count the VERY recent ones who cannot really vouche for him prior to 2008 .. to represent you?
I love these posts, such varied views on this candidate and the race. The fact that Sandy is his girlfriend/campaign manager may make her view a little skewed, but that doesn't mean she would put herself out on a limb if she didn't believe in him. After all, the campaign makes her subject to public scrutiny as well. I believe John Russell's wife was heavily involved in his campaign we well. That's not uncommon. Jim Piccillo not being a politician is what makes him an interesting candidate to me; I don't want politicians anymore...I want someone who will represent me...even though I'm not a senior or a veteran.
As for no dirty politics...I haven't found anything where Sandy has spoke on behalf of Mr. Piccillo or his campaign; maybe that's her personal opinion. It appears, from what I have seen, that she has only posted items regarding the candidate's actual record. How is that dirty? Insulting unions, voting against insurance for Florida's children, calling people of different cultures bad names, and insulting the current administration are all facts. Everyone in the district has seen that.
Sounds like someone is scared of the possibility that Ms. Brown-Waite may actually have a challenge on her hands? But...that's my opinion...which I believe I am also entitled to.
It will be interesting to see what Piccillo is made of, once people get past the whole Biden thing. Fresh ideas and opinions are what is needed in this area. I, for one, welcome a change.
I have been watching these posts for a little while and thought that I might chime in with truth rather than speculation.
My name is Jim Piccillo and I am running to be the congressional representative for the 5th Florida District.
Please allow me to shed some light on some of the misrepresentations listed in other comments. While all people are allowed to their opinions I would just rather they hear from me the truth rather than speculate.
Pro Choice- I have been and always will be pro-choice. There was one sentence among three paragraphs on the website which led people to believe anything but. The wording has been changed and if you check out the other posting on DownWithTyranny you will see what the truth is as well. I apologize if the initial website language led some people to misconstrue my true feelings.
National Democratic Involvement- I am not running, nor will ever run dependent on the backing of national political organizations. I am running to improve the lives of the people of the FL 5th. I have no misconceptions about the DNC, DCCC, FDP, etc involvement in my race. I am not running to earn their trust and their vote; I am running for the people in the FL 5th.
John Russell- I am not running for John, I have had no discussions with John and from the videos I have seen that he has posted at Tea Parties he plans to run again. Maybe the 4th time will be the charm but I welcome a respectful primary campaign by anyone else who enters the race.
Community Involvement Prior to 2008- These are just some of the main items that I have been involved in. I will spare the details of the smaller projects.
From 1992- 1995 I was VP and Philanthropic chair for my Fraternity at Buffalo State College (Phi Sigma Kappa, Kappa Septaton Chapter). In 1997-2000 I coached youth hockey and helped mentor the kids in both Nashville and Honolulu as my military assignments took me. From 2004- 2006 I conceptualized, organized and oversaw three separate statewide food drives which netted several tons of food and several thousands of dollars. The company was HSBC and we expanded it even to the state of Alabama the last 2 years. Additionally I was able to secure several thousands of dollars in grants for America's Second Harvest food banks including the New Orleans chapter following hurricane Katrina.
Sandi- that is correct. She is my better half and is my campaign director. It is incredibly common for someone close to the candidate to act as the campaign manager this early in the election cycle. She has been an executive assistant to corporate vice presidents, law firm partners and has even done several volunteer deployments with the American Red Cross.
My personal email is jim.piccillo@yahoo.com should anyone have any questions regarding these posts or the website. I am always more than happy to discuss policies, debate topics or answer any questions that people may have.
Thank you for your time.
Jim Piccillo
If half of that was true you still aren't capable. Your business background? Ever run a successful business? What's the explanation for your unemployment? The real reason. Having a politician win this is better than someone with no knowledge of the local flavor - you still have not proven any local community involvement (the d5). Would HSBC agree on the fact that you spearheaded what you say? Hmmm...as for Miss Sandi, her employment history is extremely spotty and fragmented, a simple
employment check can prove that. She is new to FL and is too green to re
ally know about any of the issues in this
district. But I am sure I am not the first person to tell you that. My issue is not that she is your girlfriend/campaign person, I just wonder what people would think if they knew that you left your wife and children for her. That you both claim to be the everyday couple, you yourself saying you are the Everyman...yet I would hope most men don't deceive both their family and their "people" in such ways. You are not a threat to B-W by any means, but one would think you would clean up your act before passing yourself off as an ordinary guy. Because you aren't.
Take some to time, really live what you say, then try this again.
I like the blogger's attitude. Doesn't seem to take any crap from either party.
I don't know Mr. Piccillo or his campaign manager (whom "Chris formerly anonymous" clearly has some kind of vendetta against), but I know I would rather have Piccillo representing me; no matter what his personal business, than GBW in Washington.
Anyone...in their "right mind" would want the same. People have pasts and histories. That's part of life. Those who live in glass houses and all...
Oh yeah, wanted to add, no personal vendetta, just an average person in this conservative rural 5th that unfortunately did my own digging (wasn't difficult, anyone can do it) and was disappointed in my research results. I was an excited possible supporter until I started poking around, as we all should do. We should all ask questions about any candidate, especially one who is virtually an uknown. He is going to have a lot more people scrutinizing him and his ethics and his background and experience as the election draws closer. It happens to everyone. He should expect it and tell his CM to grow a thicker skin. Possibly put a muzzle on her or lose her before she damages what little credibility he may have, if any.
I just want a candidate that I can proudly support and truly trust.
"I just wonder what people would think if they knew that you left your wife and children for her."
I am outraged that someone would have the audacity to post such a thing in a public forum. Even the Obama/McCain camp kept families out of their attacks.
I have read some of Mr. Piccillo's information; his children are 5 years old and 8 years old. That makes them school aged. You know what happens at school? Children talk about things they hear their parents talk about at home. What you have done is open up children to teasing, insults, and the hell that is being bullied.
It takes a special kind of scumbag to post something like this in a public forum and DIRECTLY bring children in to it. Whether your goal was to insult Mr. Piccillo or attack his character, all you have done is show how nasty Republicans and Democrats can be when they are under false names. It is deplorable that, whoever you are, you feel it necessary to post something like this.
I am the mother of three, who is also divorced. If anyone brought my children in to a public forum like this, no matter what happened between their father and I, I would most certainly show that person what a Mama Bear can do to defend them.
Whoever you are...find a different route to attack Mr. Piccillo. Leave his children out of it you ignorant soul.
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