Will Marilyn Musgrave Take A Job Counseling Lashkar-e-Taiba Next?

Extremists and fanatics = terrorists
According to a London tabloid "the Mumbai terrorists may have pumped themselves full of drugs to keep going during their murderous three-day rampage." The headline screams that they "took cocaine and LSD before carrying out attacks." And steroids. The last time I took acid was on New Years Eve 1968 and, maybe it was a different kind of LSD, but it barely bet me walk down the street, let alone go on a murder rampage for 50 hours.
An Indian TV station has released footage showing Kasav [the captured terrorist] being lynched by a mob on Wednesday after his getaway vehicle was stopped at a roadblock.
It shows police firing at the white Skoda, unleashing a volley of bullets that kill Ismail. Kasav then stumbles from the car and appears to play dead as the police beat him repeatedly with riot batons.
A mob then joins in the attack on Kasav, who has curled into a ball.
Finally a senior police officer steps in to stop the attack. Some reports say Kasav pleaded with medical staff to save him, saying: “I don’t want to die.”
Wow! If that doesn't stop him from ever using drugs again...
I guess they couldn't use the Twinkie defense if it could be shown that pumping themselves up with LSD was done with the intent of murdering 180 or so people. I'm sure some sharp lawyer will come up with something to blame other than themselves. Or perhaps they can hire like-minded religious fanatic and all around angry person, Marilyn Musgrave. She's an expert in not taking responsibility and blaming everyone and everything else.
Musgrave has been in hiding ever since Betsey Markey thoroughly thrashed her in last month's election. She has refused to concede, let along congratulate Congresswoman-elect Markey, who beat her by a whopping 12 points, one of the worst drubbings any incumbent from either party took anywhere in America. It's what you would call a thorough and complete repudiation by the voters of Colorado's 4th CD. But the unhinged Musgrave doesn't see it as a repudiation at all. Congress' most fanatic hate-monger, Musgrave has built a kind of political career on one issue: hysterical and irrational homophobia. She recorded a robo-call for her soul brother, Saxby Chambliss, which was targeted at mentally ill women in Georgia. In it she blames her lost re-election bid on "Pro-abortion radicals and liberal activists" and "leftist special interests" that "overwhelmed us with money and ... smothered the truth with vicious attacks and lies."
A staffer for one of the longest-serving Republican members of Congress told us he had never quite seen anything like it before. "She's some piece of work. No one could stand her and there's probably not a member of Congress who will miss her. I've worked here for almost two decades and I can't remember a losing member of Congress, from either party, not congratulating the winner."
One has to wonder if Mike Huckabee didn't have Musgrave-- as well as higher profile GOP whiners like John Boehner, James DeMint and Mark Sanford-- in mind when he told Republicans to quit blaming others for their shortcomings and start looking at themselves. “You hear these Republicans bragging about not raising taxes, when they’ve been spending out of control, racking up huge deficits and then kicking the can down the road," he told reporters. “Republicans didn’t lose because they were social conservatives. They lost because they have been irresponsible with the taxpayers’ money... If you advertise one thing and you deliver another, people are going to start reaching for another product off the shelf." Yes indeed, and Marilyn Musgrave's "good until" label was long out of date.
Labels: Marilyn Musgrave, Mumbai, religious fanatics
Musgrave down, Bachmann and Mean Jean Schmidt to go...
I can visualize another one of your WONDERFUL caption contests with a "good" photo of Musgrave as relates to her "Future".
Right off here I would say she has a solid future as a scratching post for the Worst President in US History.
Obama fires ALL Bush Fund-Raisers, I mean Ambassadors...It's a Beautiful Day...
Happy Hump Day...
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