Who Will Pick A Worse Running Mate, Obama Or McCain?

This one I'd sit out
All the Obama running mate trial balloons or rumors being bandied about in the media sound absolutely horrible: Tim Kaine, Joe Biden, Evan Bayh... I voted, much to my eternal sorrow, for Gore-Lieberman. That'll never happen again. If Obama picks some right-wing bigot like Kaine or Bayh or a corporate shill like Biden or Bayh or Kaine... well, I live in California and he doesn't need me to win this state's electoral votes anyway. Glenn Hurowitz already painted a picture yesterday of the disintegration of hope as Obama takes on the role of defensive jello.
To most voters, campaigns are not an egghead mental Olympics between two walking policy platforms. They're primal battles that test how candidates respond under fire. And for the last several weeks, Obama has been failing that test: crying about McCain's attacks and then surrendering. To most voters, this sends a simple message: if Obama can't stand up to a babbling incompetent like John McCain, how is he ever going to stand up to the oil executives, the health care lobby, or, for that matter, Osama bin Laden?
If the media is to believed, Obama is veering way to the right of the Democratic Party-- or even over to the Republican Party-- to look for a running mate. A running mate is not just a strategic move to help win the election. It's also someone who could become president at any time. Tim Kaine? I have a recollection that the first thing he did when he got into office was sign some anti-gay bill. If Obama wants to make the case that women need to turn out for him in big numbers, an anti-choice throw-back like Kaine is the wrong move.
Evan Bayh is just as putrid a choice. There are only 2 Democratic senators who vote more frequently for the Bush agenda than Bayh: Ben Nelson of Nebraska and Tim Johnson of South Dakota. Bayh is a worse voter than Lieberman or than Dixiecrats Mark Pryor of Arkansas and Mary Landrieu of Louisiana. His record shows he's barely more trustworthy than your garden variety Republican. Biden, a notorious corporate shill, is positively liberal compared to Bayh-- or Obama. It amazes me that Obama immediately runs to the right to make his first important decision. Everyone I know likes the idea of Wes Clark. But compared to the tragic choices we keep reading about in the newspapers, Hillary looks better and better with every passing day.

Strange that both candidates are looking for running mates among supporters of all the policies that have made Americans sick of the political landscape and angry at the horrible job government has done.
In the comments, Noah reminded me to include an appropriate song by Judy Collins:
Labels: Cantor, Evan Bayh, Tim Kaine, vice presidential selection
It's all very sad. Makes me wonder who's really pulling the strings. Is Obama, like Gore did, just listening to handlers he should fire? Are there puppet masters telling him how it will be? Or, is this just the real Obama? The VP choices of both major candidates will probably not represent the wishes of the majority of their followers or American citizens as a whole. Instead, they will represent just how cynical and stifling our political process has become.
In my dreamworld, all candidates would follow their hearts, assuming they have them, and ignore the bullying of corporate leaders and their media slaves. As it is, it's hard to discern where our politicians would really be coming from if they were honest with themselves and us, so, we are left with their words and dog and pony shows.
I will now spend the rest of the election season humming "Send In The Clowns".
Did Donna Brazile talk Gore into choosing Lieberman or try to talk him out of it? Her reaction on "This Week" this morning was telling. She doesn't want Obama to pick Senator Clinton. How much clout does Brazile have with team Obama? Gergen said Obama needs to choose Hillary because he is wimpy against the Repub smear machine and needs a fighter by his side.
Thing is, we need a fighter at the top of the ticket.
Tim Kaine isn't so bad. Dick Cheney is so bad. I'll vote for Obama-Kaine, which, when said quickly, sounds like a topical analgesic.
I suppose I could use something to numb the pain of making that X.
(Also, the third and fourth syllables of "Obama-Kaine" are the same, phonetically speaking, as "McCain" -- a clue?)
Obama needs to tap a fellow senator he campaigned for in the 2006 elections. Senator Bernie Sanders. There is no senator who is more open, honest and representative of his constituents than Bernie. He eternally strives for improvement of our quality of life.
Cantor is the only mentioned name that would actually help McCain. In Minnesota, the Neo-Cons and Theo-Cons have no use for McCain … and not much for Pawlenty. Cantor would be appealing to them. Remember how Congresswoman Michele Bachmann complained about McCain "He is not my man. Our candidate was chosen by the media." Despite Pawlenty’s efforts in Minnesota, McCain trailed Romney badly in the caucus.
Cantor would appeal to the Southern Reagan Democrats, the Jewish voters, the fiscal conservatives, and the Theo-cons. Plus he would be the pit bull without any polish.
McCain-Cantor could be an election tilter.
Kaine does not excite me. Bayh thought a Presidential run was a possibility until he realized he would be up against the Clinton monarchy … his Bush votes may have also reflected Indiana. Biden is too egomaniacal.
Obama needs to go back to Webb or Reed to get some appeal from the old Reagan-Democrats.
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