Someone Get An Ambulance From Bellevue To The New York Times Immediatley

If these charges are true, they suggest that the justice system was turned into a partisan tool, and that Mr. Siegelman’s freedom may have been taken away because of his political allegiances.
What a suggestion! If the editorial writer wasn't tripping... or auditioning for a script writing job for The Office, The Daily Show or Lil' Bush, wonderers could be left wondering what rock he or she has been living under these last few years. Even the Times itself has mentioned the perversion of the justice system under the Bush Regime. In fact, just last weekend, David Igelsias was in their very own magazine section talkin' a little perversion with Deborah Solomon.
But even more bizarre than the Times urging Congress to get tough with Rove, was another even more ludicrous suggestion: "It is time for Michael Mukasey, the attorney general, to stand up for justice by enforcing Congress’s subpoenas." Michael Mukasey was hired to not stand up for justice. Michael Mukasey was hired by Bush-- with the active connivance of Chuck Schumer-- to see to it that there would be no real investigations of anything that could damage the Regime. Period. And he's been busy doing that ever since.

Labels: Department of Justice, Don Siegelman, Impeachment, Karl Rove, New York Times
Michael Mukasey was hired by Bush-- with the active connivance of Chuck Schumer"
Don't leave out that anti-American twat Dianne Feinstein.
As appealing as impeaching Bush; we are presented with the same unappealing scenario as when Congress impeached Andrew Johnson.
That is, a worse alternative who is next in line to the Presidency.
raf, of course we should impeach (and prosecute) both of them simultaneously.
I thought it was understood.
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