
The photo of Kontogiannis with Bush has disappeared
Most Americans have never heard the name Thomas Kontogiannis. DWT readers have known all about him since 2005 when we started talking about how he is the link that ties Bush directly to convicted felon and Republican ex-congressman Randy "Duke" Cunningham. Cunningham was Kontogiannis' very own "congressman-on-retainer." Today he was given an 8 year prison sentence "for his role laundering bribe money" for Cunningham. He was also fined over a million dollars. Kontogiannis pleaded guilty, making a deal with the prosecutors for a reduced sentence.
This is far from Kontogiannis' first brush with the law. In 2000 he was arrested for receiving more than $2 million in kickbacks in a bid-rigging scheme involving junk computer foisted on the Queens School District. The district Superintendent, Celestine Miller, a Republican scam artist, with absurd pretensions to get elected to Congress, helped Kontogiannis defraud the district. He financed her doomed campaign, in part by giving her a brown paper bag filled with $50,000 in cash. That Cunningham sold him a presidential pardon for $400,000 is the most covered-up part of the Randy "Duke" Cunningham scandals. That's because there's only one person who can grant presidential pardons and it isn't Randy "Duke" Cunningham (nor is it Vice President Cheney, nor Irving Libby, nor Mitch McConnell nor any of the myriad corrupt scoundrels Bush has surrounded himself with). Only George W. Bush himself can grant a presidential pardon. What was his cut of the $400,000 bribe from Kontogiannis? Cunningham brought Kontogiannis to the White House to meet him.
And there's more-- even more serious stuff that hasn't been dealt with-- yes more serious than Bush selling a pardon. But the Bush bribe and the treason parts of this case have been scrupulously kept out of the public record. Last month the San Diego Union-Tribune reported that the secrecy around this case was unprecedented. "Federal prosecutors asserted extraordinary powers of the executive branch over the judicial branch when it comes to information it has classified. In essence, prosecutors argued that once the executive branch says something is classified, courts are virtually powerless to review or disagree. That is true, they argued, even when the information is part of court records-- which historically have been considered open under the First Amendment."
Kontogiannis and a shady Saudi operative living in Southern California, Ziyad Abduljawad, took Cunningham and another crooked Republican California congressloon, Ken Calvert, to Saudi Arabia. Calvert and Cunningham were not there for sightseeing-- nor on government business, at least not legitimate government business.
Kontogiannis, in tears, was whisked off to jail immediately. This is a case that will either be buried or will be looked into by Attorney General John Edwards in the future. I'm betting Kontogiannis will either die in prison before then or be pardoned and disappeared.
Labels: Culture of Corruption, Duke Cunningham, Ken Calvert, Kontogiannis, venal
The FBI is covering up T.K. involvement in the bombing of the U.S. Embassy in Greece.He has former agent on his payroll. P.S. Why did T.K. buy U.S. Atty. house and did not record Deed for 2 years and now has to pay 400000. dollar FINE?
i also heard of these people ....
they are involved in R.E. scams.
my friend used to work for them @ Hamilton Equity in Elmont.
they threatend to fire her if she opened her mouth regarding some fraudulent transaction. she then left work i told her to sue which she is considering.
you'll need to leave thomas alone the man have a nack of making money and a lot of good this man did that you'll don't know of BUSH NEEDS TO PARDON THIS MAN
We are involved in a lawsuit against THOMAS KONTOGIANNIS and his family in connection with their mortgage fraud operation. we would greatly appreciate any credible information anyone has on these people. please call LISA PASHKOFF at 212-207-6771 or e-mail us at either of the following: OR
i promise this individual is in for a BIG surprise. believe me he will pay and is going to prison just like his ex father in law the leader who taught him everything.
we also found out other serious news that we cannot disclose at the moment due to federal investigations.
anyone need to be contacted please respond to this comment, we will return
WOW!! small world...
i was looking up names associated with HAMILTON EQUITY and this came up. lol its so true!
IM VERY SURPRISED they are still in buissiness and not in jail where they belong. I guess their equity is running out! my advise they better have some money they stole from poor people for a good attorney!
yes it is... anyone with info contact Billy Pappas Special investigator Nassau county office of the county attorney
email /
the feds are building a case.
anyone with other info please contact the nassau county D.A.
this family of serious 'secret' fraud / laundering / tax / hard money R.E. and mortgage crime will soon come to an end.
Lisa Pollatos and Group Kappa Corp located at One Cross Island Plaza were the owner/manager of the Springfield Gardens complex. Since 2007 they have started selling the buildings off as condos and 2 family homes. Their construction co have gutted the property,garages,trees,garbage bins,division fences. DOB & DEP of Fiance say the buildings are subdivided into temp lots. Why are there 5 boilers & common wiring located in the basement of my 2 family building. DLJ Mortgage co is suing them in Fed Court on Mortgage Fraud. The new owners,many are currently in default with Wells Fargo Mortgage assuming that the building is occupied by the owners. Is NY going through what Chicago is facing with the eviction of tenants. Group Kappa,Lisa Pollatos,Joyce Pierre,Warren Brown & Thomas Kontogiannis should go to PRISON.
To all of my business associates and prospective clients,please contact the "Better Business Bureau" 1-212-533-6200 or the "NY State Banking Department" at 1-877-226-5697 to check my credibility and to verify that there are no claims or complaints against "Hamilton Equity & Associates" or my self. All the above messages concerning me and my family are false.The person or persons involved are under investigation and a lawsuit is in process.
Rosa Karanasos
are u sure Rosa?
we checked and looks like you are under investigation and in letigation. no?
i hear this is only the beggining of a happy ending.
paper trails dont lie, they will haunt u forever as long as u live ur miserable life with you husband and brother who looks and does as much crime as u do.
i will put up all the evidence on here soon.
please leave them alone. they are good people. i know rosa and her brother. dont listen to this garbage
LEAVE WHO ALONE? ru involved with the program? seems like ... well we have all documents to prove all facts! will be posted up soon. look at county public records.
see what this fraudster is all about.
You know what's weird for the last 3 months you've been promising to post evidence that Angelo and Rosa are crooks. Funny that you never seem to be able to back-up your story.
The 9 indicted including Thomas K and Group kAPPA CORP along with Crown Acquisition Holdings,Joyce Pierre and Warren Brown are to jailed. The 9 are also involved with the Springfield Gardens Complex on 140 & 141 Ave. The buildings sold as two family houses are now in foreclosure with Wells Fargo. Every thing said is true and the DOB & DHCR have the same people listed on forms to subdivide our garden apartment complex which is now without a super or any property manager. The straw buyers have been foreclosed and property auctioned.
Ok! What does this have to do with Angelo and Rosa. Nothing!
a good friend of mine, who was also close friends with kontogiannis in the horse racing business, told me a story about him going to kontogiannis' house for dinner, he served him hot dogs and a can of coke
OK so everyone knows kontogiannis is a crook but whoever is posting has never been able to prove angelo or rosa is. So put up or shut up!!!!
TRENTON, NJ - February 20, 2009 - (RealEstateRama) — Attorney General Anne Milgram and Criminal Justice Director Deborah L. Gramiccioni announced that a Monmouth County man was sentenced to state prison today in connection with a series of mortgage and investment scams through which he stole approximately $2.9 million from victims.
Spiro Pollatos, 46, of Marlboro, was sentenced to 13 years and six months in state prison, including four years and six months without possibility of parole, by Superior Court Judge Salem Vincent Ahto in Morris County. Pollatos pleaded guilty on Oct. 17 to a charge of first-degree money laundering. Under the plea agreement, he was required to enter a consent judgment to pay restitution to his victims and forfeit assets seized in the investigation.
An investigation by the Division of Criminal Justice Major Crimes Bureau determined that Pollatos conspired with others, including his live-in girlfriend, Crystal Velitschkow, 50,to steal approximately $2 million through fraudulent loan services for which he collected excessive fees and commissions. In addition, Pollatos was charged with inducing several victims to invest about $890,000 to buy the Yellow Rose Diner in Keyport. The deals were bogus and the victims – including an 80-year-old retiree who invested $500,000 – never got ownership of the business.
NEW YORK – Greek-American developer Thomas Kontogiannis, 63, who is serving a 12-year,10-month sentence for a $92 million real- estate fraud scheme, entered the spotlight once again when the revealed recently that Congressman Michael Grimm (R-NY) urged a federal judge to spare Kontogiannis from serving prison time. Specifically, Grimm asked for leniency for Kontogiannis in 2008, before Grimm entered Congress representing Staten Island.
Angelos wife is a mule and his sister steals money from poor people and children still
shame their time will come
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