
Andrew Rice and 3 California bloggers
Today the chair of Oregon's Democratic Party, Meredith Wood Smith, one of the state's superdelegates, made her endorsement. She's a 65 year old woman who has been scrupulously neutral and her endorsement came as somewhat of a shock because it was not for Hillary Clinton. "I have a visceral understanding of the fight for gender equality," she wrote in this morning's Oregonian. My deep respect for Sen. Hillary Clinton and what she means to that fight continues and will continue in the years to come. As a senator, an advocate and as a candidate for president, she demonstrates the absolute importance and ability of women to lead. Her strength as a candidate has forever expanded the possibilities for other women. While we have come a long way in securing both gender and racial equality, we still have lots of work to do."
That said, she went for Obama for several reasons: "he received the majority of the votes in the Oregon primary, and he demonstrates the leadership needed to get us out of Iraq, restore our economy, begin the tough job of providing health care for all Americans and, most of all, heal the divisions in our nation."
His commitment to grassroots organizing, similar to Howard Dean's "Fifty State Strategy," will help Democrats win our down-ticket races. His deep understanding of our Constitution ensures that he will appoint judges, to both the Supreme Court and lower federal courts, who will truly defend our constitutional rights and freedoms.
In 1960, I was too young to vote, but I was so inspired by John F. Kennedy that I worked on his campaign and continue to be motivated by his legacy of social and civic responsibility. He is one of the reasons I became chairwoman of Oregon's Democratic Party. I believe that Obama is providing that same inspiration for our next generation of leaders.
Finally, the contrast between Obama and Sen. John McCain could not be clearer. On bringing troops home from Iraq. On commitment to our Constitution. On telling the American people the truth. Obama has the ability to build-- not just talk about-- a governing majority to actually solve the major challenges facing America.
As you know, I don't get out among people much. Yesterday, though, I went to a wonderful and genteel party across town. It was warm and friendly and I met more people than I had in years. The reason for the party was because Democratic candidate for the U.S. Senate in Oklahoma, Andrew Rice, was in town and his aunt and her partner were introducing him to Oklahoman ex-pats living in southern California as well as to some other friends interested in the race. Andrew was, as always, wonderful and Irwing, John Amato and I were all impressed by his passionate talk about how Oklahoma was changing. He told the story of a young girl, Stephanie Collins, and her family's struggle in his state, a story that is encapsulated on this YouTube clip:
It's a health care and insurance story too many families in America are going through. It's why candidates like Andrew Rice are going to win in November.
But, to be honest, it wasn't just to share that video that inspired me to write this post. It was actually because of a woman I met there who is well-placed among Democratic donors. She had just come back from DC the day before. She told me she had spoken to several Democratic elected officials-- senators and congressmen-- and that they were all telling her the same thing: they were getting barraged with phone calls from the Clinton camp that were very threatening. Typically a stooge like McAuliffe would call, be extremely unpleasant, threaten that the Clinton's would make sure they were defeated in the future and hang up. Soon after a very sweet Hillary would call asking if she could see the battered senator. No one wants to see her anymore. This is a horrible tragedy and anyone who thinks they plan to withdraw gracefully, is in for a rude awakening. I'm so glad that Blue America has decided to stay out of the presidential race.
Oh, and speaking of Blue America... our contest is still on. Short version: AirAmerica is paying us to be their guest blogger this week and we're donating the entire amount to the Blue America candidate of your choice. Vote by adding one cent to your contribution to any of our candidates here. The whole story about the contest is right here. Last time I looked Debbie Cook, the progressive mayor of Huntington Beach who is taking on lunatic fringe Dana Rohrabacher, is ahead. (UPDATE: Eric Massa is catching up... fast and furious.)
Labels: Andrew Rice, Democratic presidential race, Oklahoma, Oregon
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What a handsome bunch of lads!
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