If "The Judge" becomes our next attorney general, who's going to be his deputy? (Well, yes, naturally we do have a couple of suggestions to offer)

Wouldn't it be great to have the Chertoff-Brown team reunited?

But man, wouldn't that be something, having The Judge and our Brownie teamed up again and back in action? Doing for the DoJ, well, what they did for New Orleans and the Gulf Coast.
Oh wait, didn't Idiot Al "The Torture Guy" already do that?
Labels: Gonzales, Heckuva Job Brownie, Michael Chertoff
My money is riding on a real dark horse long-shot: Robert Bork. Why? He's the only guy crazy enough to take the job.
I met Mr. Chertoff back in the early 90's and despite all current vituperative comments to the contrary, he is not anything near stupid or crazy, which I understand you must be to be the AG and work for the current junta at this late date.
Then again, I'm not a betting man.
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