
I woke up in San Francisco yesterday. I turned on the TV and the first thing I heard was "Barbara Ann" by the Beach Boys. Huh? Was he doing it again? Crazy old John McCain apparently hadn't had enough and he was back for more. Is this guy nuts? I saw him on the Daily Show a couple nights ago and he was really dreadful, joking about giving Stewart an IED-- you know the things that have killed most of our soldiers in Iraq-- that he and Miss Lindsey (R-SC) bought on their shopping trip in Baghdad a few weeks ago. The guy is losing whatever marbles he has left-- fast. No wonder Republicans are so desperate to find an alternative candidate.
Anyway, you probably read how last week crazy old McCain sang "Bomb, Bomb, Bomb, Bomb, Bomb Iran" to an audience of
Instead of listening to McCain arthritically croaking out his turgid and sick version of the Beach Boys' classic again, how about if we watch a little video and contemplate crazy old McCain replacing the steaming heap of excrement we have in the White House now:
Labels: McCain, Republican presidential race
Just a note that "Dean" Broder is observing in this morning's WaPo that McCain's "straight talking again." Riiight. This after the idiot's despicable attack yesterday on a true straight talker - Harry Reid. Let's send Broder to a Baghdad market.
love to see the Beach Boys sue McCain.
Great video
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